Jason Thompson
Jason Thompson
eLearning Program Assistant at Lambton College
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Lost Comments in Review
"Realize this is a little late, but for others this may be helpful - I've found if I click on a review link and go to leave a comment with..."
  • over 1 year ago02/01/23 at 7:23 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Comments disappeared in Review
"Hi Kate and Luciana, we are experiencing the same thing. We had a reviewer leave many comments last night, received the email notif..."
  • over 1 year ago11/08/22 at 3:50 pm (UTC)
"Hi Bob, Sorry just revisiting this thread and saw your comment. Storyline has released an update that allows you to 'print' any sli..."
  • over 1 year ago10/25/22 at 9:18 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Articulate Review - Resolve Feature
"Hi Lids, As a bit of a workaround for your first piece, we have our developers reply 'done' for each comment before resolving - tha..."
  • over 1 year ago09/15/22 at 7:11 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Change bullet color in Rise
"They did briefly add the feature but then had to roll it back - but hopefully, there will be a resolution soon. I've just stopped u..."
  • 2 years ago05/05/22 at 5:02 pm (UTC)
"Hello, We're also experiencing the same issue - A review link will show as normal then revert to 'still processing' and seems to just sta..."
  • almost 3 years ago07/15/21 at 5:25 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Can Rise be purchased separately?
"Hi, Just an update to this thread - it looks like Rise is available as a standalone product now - not sure if it's through Articula..."
  • over 4 years ago02/27/20 at 4:16 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Combine 2 or more Rise Courses into 1
"Hi Ayesha, I'm sure a pro will chime in here, but to me it sounds like you may be able to have the two developers add each other as 'coll..."
  • over 4 years ago11/13/19 at 4:18 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Images disappearing
"Hi, We're also running into this issue here - the problem is we are working in an enterprise environment and all our PC's are networked t..."
  • almost 5 years ago07/04/19 at 6:56 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Characters
"Upvote for more age diversity in Characters! I get that it may be hard to have young children do the necessary poses, but per..."
  • almost 5 years ago07/02/19 at 6:12 pm (UTC)
"Hi Adriel, If you're just wanting to use the characters from Storyline in Rise, we've been able to do this by right clicking on the pictu..."
  • almost 5 years ago07/02/19 at 5:53 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Play Video From Website When Triggered
"Thanks, Ashley!"
  • almost 5 years ago06/06/19 at 2:38 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson started a new discussion Play Video From Website When Triggered
"Hello, This has been perhaps posted already but I haven't found a clear answer. When Inserting a Video From Website - there is a Video O..."
  • over 5 years ago11/20/18 at 7:00 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion url and iframe code
"Hi JB, The only way I could get it to display in the existing window was to use the URL/Embed option (not block content) and paste in th..."
  • almost 6 years ago08/17/18 at 6:30 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Combine 2 or more Rise Courses into 1
"Copying lessons is great - copying whole courses into other courses would be even better!  For example, to be able to host three separate..."
  • almost 6 years ago06/27/18 at 8:25 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Change bullet color in Rise
"Definitely would be quite helpful!"
  • almost 6 years ago06/27/18 at 8:23 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Rise Logo and Cover photo sizes
"I'm also having trouble getting a cover photo that looks good consistently. I definitely think some further development is required for t..."
  • almost 6 years ago06/15/18 at 7:27 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion url and iframe code
"In regards to the Google form, I used the URL/embed option in Rise and it worked, without opening a new window.  https://rise.articulate..."
  • 6 years ago05/31/18 at 6:35 pm (UTC)
"Hi Ashley, I hadn't come across that actually - great idea, I'll experiment and see what we can come up with. Thanks!"
  • 6 years ago04/10/18 at 2:46 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Save Slide as PDF and Email
"Hi Matthew, Thank you very much!  This is quite helpful. I'll familiarize myself with pdfMake and will reach out if I need any additiona..."
  • 6 years ago04/05/18 at 4:06 pm (UTC)
"I am also wanting to save a 'certificate' slide as a PDF or jpeg/png - has there been any progress with this?"
  • 6 years ago04/04/18 at 5:52 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson started a new discussion Save Slide as PDF and Email
"Hi everyone, I've spent a lot of time looking at the existing discussions on generating certificates and using Java to save a slide as a ..."
  • 6 years ago04/04/18 at 5:47 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson commented on the e‑learning example Storyline 360: Goniometer Dial Interaction
"Awesome! Could you post the Storyline file by chance? It would be most appreciated!"
  • 6 years ago03/20/18 at 7:48 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson replied to the discussion Slides/Layers randomly disappearing/deleted
"Thank you so much!  I'll send this along to her :)"
  • 6 years ago03/15/18 at 7:50 pm (UTC)
Jason Thompson started a new discussion Slides/Layers randomly disappearing/deleted
"Hi everyone, I've got a strange one for you! My colleague is experiencing the strangest thing - multiple times now she's lost work ..."
  • 6 years ago03/15/18 at 2:59 pm (UTC)