Michelle Leon
Michelle Leon
Learning Program Manager at WGL
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  • Collegeville, PA
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"I especially like the sound effects--subtle but adds to the theme."
  • over 3 years ago01/19/21 at 5:12 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon commented on the download Storyline: Memory Game
"Very handy! I'm not sure how I'll incorporate it yet but I'm downloading it for my arsenal anyway. Thanks!"
  • 4 years ago03/03/20 at 7:46 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon commented on the download Friendly Illustrated People
"Thanks for providing some diversity! Great work."
  • 4 years ago03/03/20 at 2:04 pm (UTC)
"Very nice! Thanks for sharing!"
  • 4 years ago03/03/20 at 1:18 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon commented on the download Storyline 360: Tabs Interactions
"I agree with everyone else. Thanks for sharing!"
  • 4 years ago03/03/20 at 12:42 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon commented on the download PowerPoint: Modern Circle Charts
"Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!"
  • 4 years ago03/02/20 at 2:02 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Opening Flash Card with microinteractions
"Very nice!"
  • 4 years ago03/02/20 at 1:56 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Group for Sharing Storyline Ideas
"That's great, Owen. Maybe we could start off with a virtual Zoom meeting twice a year and go from there? "
  • 5 years ago05/09/19 at 12:27 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Group for Sharing Storyline Ideas
"Thanks, Ned. I found an article of User Groups across the globe. I did not find any for my area. I may post to start one. Thanks."
  • 5 years ago05/07/19 at 9:49 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon started a new discussion Group for Sharing Storyline Ideas
"Hello! Is there a group where advanced Storyline users can share ideas via  teleconferencing (like Zoom)?  If not, would anyone be intere..."
  • 5 years ago05/06/19 at 3:38 pm (UTC)
"Hi Crystal! Thanks for taking the time to do that. So I published your version. I failed the first question then when it came up again, I..."
  • 5 years ago03/27/19 at 2:47 pm (UTC)
"Thanks for your assistance, Leslie. Ideally, I would like the learner to attempt the Checkpoint question. If they get it right, they move..."
  • 5 years ago03/26/19 at 3:55 pm (UTC)
"If I do what you say, they cannot retry the question. It is very important that the learner is able to retry the question in this module."
  • 5 years ago03/26/19 at 12:02 am (UTC)
"Hello, I have the same issue. I want the learner to be able to Retry the question so resuming the state and automatically deciding is not..."
  • 5 years ago03/25/19 at 7:51 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion SL3 Issue with State Changes
"Interesting, I published your file and the white chevron doesn't show up when all the blue dots are Visited :("
  • over 5 years ago09/18/18 at 12:40 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion SL3 Issue with State Changes
"Thanks, Leslie! I'll check it out. I have used the Timeline Starts trigger before. I just want to test if it still works when the slide n..."
  • over 5 years ago09/18/18 at 12:37 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon started a new discussion SL3 Issue with State Changes
"Hi everyone, I've created a slide in which the learner must click on all the blue dots in order for a white chevron to show. This functi..."
  • over 5 years ago09/17/18 at 1:57 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Drag and Drop Sequence - Missing Options
"Yeah I'm not seeing that. For me, it resets on the Incorrect layer. I cannot remove that trigger as it serves a purpose in the entire mod..."
  • over 6 years ago11/09/17 at 9:31 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Drag and Drop Sequence - Missing Options
"Yes, Wendy. I know. But I also wanted to import the template player and adjust some triggers and other settings. It was almost midnight a..."
  • over 6 years ago11/09/17 at 12:42 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Drag and Drop Sequence - Missing Options
"Thanks, Wendy! I tried to isolate the affected scene but the file size is still 100+MB.  I'll try to send in the morning."
  • over 6 years ago11/09/17 at 3:33 am (UTC)
Michelle Leon started a new discussion Drag and Drop Sequence - Missing Options
"Has anyone else run into the mystery of missing options? Here's what happens: 1. I have 3 chances to pass. 2. If I fail, it takes me to..."
  • over 6 years ago11/09/17 at 2:34 am (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Articulate 360 and Security Firewalls
"Yeah, we've been trying to get Basecamp access for three years. I have a feeling that it'll be the same for A360. Thanks!"
  • over 6 years ago10/19/17 at 9:16 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon started a new discussion Articulate 360 and Security Firewalls
"Hi there! Our team is considering Articulate 360 but we are concerned that our network firewall will prevent us from accessing this cloud..."
  • over 6 years ago10/19/17 at 8:07 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon replied to the discussion Help with Parallax Effect
"WOW!!!! Thank you SOOOO much, Jerson! This is exactly what I was hoping for. I really and truly am grateful. I turned the background slid..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/05/16 at 9:25 pm (UTC)
Michelle Leon started a new discussion Help with Parallax Effect
"Hello !Is there a screenr video on how to create the parallax effect? I created two sliders. I'm struggling trying to figure out how to g..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/05/16 at 2:38 pm (UTC)