Suzanna van Petegem
Suzanna van Petegem
Suzanna van Petegem replied to the discussion Open Link in Same Tab
  • 2 months ago04/09/24 at 2:45 pm (UTC)
Suzanna van Petegem replied to the discussion Free intuitive DarkRoom template
"What a great idea!"
  • 8 months ago11/02/23 at 1:29 pm (UTC)
Suzanna van Petegem replied to the discussion Logo in Microlearning
  • 9 months ago10/02/23 at 11:36 am (UTC)
Suzanna van Petegem commented on the e‑learning example Rise 360: Employee Health and Wellness
"Looks good. I see a slider in there. Is that a 360 block or can that actually be done in rise? Would be great if you could share the temp..."
  • 9 months ago09/14/23 at 6:44 am (UTC)