kristian chartier
kristian chartier
"@david... I ran into a similar problem a few years ago with SL2. Ultimately, I replaced all screenshots with single frame screen recordin..."
  • over 4 years ago11/04/19 at 1:51 pm (UTC)
"Frankly, I don't know why anyone would think that locking the player at a specific resolution is an acceptable solution. Regardless of wh..."
  • almost 5 years ago08/06/19 at 12:36 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Audio Trouble in Safari
"I'm seeing similar behaviour in Chrome 75.0.3770.80. The course was published in Storyline 360 3.28.18944.0"
  • almost 5 years ago06/12/19 at 6:32 pm (UTC)
"I confirm that the problem persists in Chrome 73"
  • 5 years ago04/04/19 at 12:29 pm (UTC)
"I realize that this is an old thread, but it's a pesky problem that anyone using Moodle for SCORM content is likely to encounter now and ..."
  • 5 years ago03/27/19 at 4:10 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier started a new discussion Variable Slide Size
"I'm stumped and I'm hoping the hive mind can help.  I'm working on a course that's designed primarily for mobile delivery. We're tying t..."
  • 5 years ago03/12/19 at 3:20 am (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Volume Slider not working with videos
"With all due respect, perpetual vs subscription licensing has absolutely no bearing on a development team's ability to release updates. I..."
  • over 5 years ago01/25/19 at 5:16 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Access Another Application within Storyline
"Yeah, as Michael suggested, you could put it inside a web object. I made a course once that did that and then used API calls to the app d..."
  • over 5 years ago11/08/18 at 7:03 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier started a new discussion Volume Control on Player Doesn't Adjust Sound in Video
"Since installing SL360 build 17 I've lost the ability to control audio contained in videos using the volume slider in the player. This pr..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/18/18 at 8:01 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Screens look scaled up/blurry on Chrome
"It's not ideal, but you can resolve the blurriness issue by replacing your images with videos that are just 1 frame long. You'll need to ..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/18/18 at 7:53 pm (UTC)
"Just to clarify... the characters at the start of this class are randomly generated and the colours will depend on how you've set up your..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/10/18 at 1:04 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Random issues with published file
"@Agnieszka my understanding is that images in HTML5 output aren't saved as as vector graphics, so when they scale up to fill your browser..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/06/18 at 8:01 pm (UTC)
"I too am experiencing this problem, but only in Chrome. @Annie, As a workaround, you can try disabling the following CSS class in output..."
  • almost 6 years ago07/06/18 at 6:51 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Chrome 66 AutoPlay Policy Changes
"I agree with @matthew and @adam. I cannot overstate how much of a problem this is."
  • 6 years ago05/04/18 at 12:19 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Player Background
"Hi Andy,  You certainly could set the space around the player to display an image/logo. Here's a thread to get you started... https://co..."
  • over 6 years ago01/15/18 at 4:28 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Exporting Variables into a Google Spreadsheet
"Should be doable in any version of SL"
  • over 6 years ago10/23/17 at 1:46 am (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Videos displaying black
  • over 6 years ago10/02/17 at 8:01 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Videos displaying black
"Yes, we are also experiencing this problem. Like Kristin, we first detected this problem after republishing some of our old SL2 files in ..."
  • over 6 years ago10/02/17 at 5:03 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Videos displaying black
"I've found the same problem in multiple courses published in SL360 that contain video. "
  • over 6 years ago09/27/17 at 6:48 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Video Buffering Endlessly
"I am also experiencing this issue. This represents a serious problem for our organization."
  • over 6 years ago09/26/17 at 1:42 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Force HTML5 even with Flash
"Alternatively, if you just want to temporarily force HTML5 for testing purposes, you could set a browser rule to block Flash on your LMS...."
  • almost 7 years ago06/13/17 at 12:46 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Exporting Variables into a Google Spreadsheet
"My guess is that your browser is blocking the content because of CORS (Cross-Origin Request Sharing). You could try opening the link in I..."
  • 7 years ago03/21/17 at 12:06 pm (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Error: Garbled Text
"@Leslie - Good call. Turns out it was my webserver. All fixed now.  Thanks."
  • almost 8 years ago08/28/16 at 4:37 am (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Exporting Variables into a Google Spreadsheet
"@Steve, you're a genius. How did you ever figure out the form entry ID thing? That's brilliant."
  • almost 8 years ago08/28/16 at 4:34 am (UTC)
kristian chartier replied to the discussion Error: Garbled Text
"Sure. Here you go..."
  • almost 8 years ago08/25/16 at 2:38 pm (UTC)