37 Weeks of E-Learning Demos, Templates, and Inspiration

I don’t know about you, but I get such a kick out of seeing what you guys come up with each week. I try to imagine what kind of e-learning pro I’d be if I had a community of experts like you when I first started in this industry.

No challenge this week. Instead, use the time to review the amazing demos you and your fellow community members shared over the past three months. You can also use the time to catch up on a challenge or two you missed.

About the challenges

Miss a challenge?

Challenges are always open—there's never a deadline to submit an idea. If you missed a challenge, just add your demo to the comments and we'll update the weekly recap and the quarterly recap to include your samples. The best way we know how to thank you for sharing is by promoting what you do.

Got an idea for a challenge?

I'm always taking ideas for future challenges. I think our editorial calendar is filled through June, but I can always move things around for the right challenge. If you have an idea for a challenge, I definitely want to hear it.

Looking for previous challenges?

You can find the first 12 challenges in this recap post and the next 13 challenges in this recap post.

Here are summaries and links to the latest 12 weekly challenges:

Spelling Bees and Interactive Vocabulary Quizzes

Interactive Step Graphics in Online Training

What’s In Your Course Design Toolkit?

Instructional Design Learning Activities

Fix Your E-Learning Mistakes

Death, Taxes, and E-Learning Mistakes

Creative Resume Templates for E-Learning Portfolios

What Do E-Learning Designers Really Do?

Summary and Resource Slides in Online Courses

Top 10 Things Learners Need to Know About Storyline

Visual Storytelling with Photo Collages

Interactive Screenshots for Online Training

Post written by David Anderson