Exit Course (and receive credit) - not happening!

May 17, 2024


I've created an Articulate Storyline course with the final slide with a master slide layout. On the master slide - hence final slide  - there's a button that has a trigger to "exit the course when the user is finished."  The course was published Summit LMS and the user was not able to see status as "course completed," instead they saw "in progress." Also the entire course and browser just closed - 

I found a blog post on the issue where it was stated to change the code in the scormdriver.js file and to change player settings so that the eLearning would launch in a new window. I did both of these things. * see attachments

After a full day of research, I finally found a solution that said to add a trigger to the button to "mark course as complete" and then "exit course" in that order so that the learner would get credit for completing the course. I hope this is the answer to my problem.

If anyone has the bandwidth to help me, I would be eternally grateful. 

With gratitude,



2 Replies
Judy Nollet

You put the "Complete course" trigger on the "close" button on the last slide. However, some folks might exit the course by closing the browser window. In those cases, the "Complete course" trigger won't run, and they won't be marked as complete.

I suggest you put the trigger on the last slide, and set it run when the timeline starts. 

BTW, personally, I don't think it's worth creating a Master Layout for just one slide. You could have started with any other appropriate layout, and then added the end-of-course buttons directly on the last slide. If you did that, you wouldn't have to open the Masters to edit the buttons.