Articulate Rise: How to display storyline block in full width?

Sep 05, 2021

hi all,

Is is possible to insert the storyline block in full width in Rise? I have selected 'Full Width' as the option, but it still have gaps left and right. please see the screen shot attached?


3 Replies
Daniel Ferreira

I'd also like the "Full Width" setting for a Storyline block to do what it says - present the block in true full width. That would be consistent with other blocks - for example, a "full width" image has no lateral margins.

The original post here is from 2 years ago. Has anything been done about this since?


Steven Benassi

Hi Daniel!

Thanks for checking in on this!

I don't have any updates to share at this time as our development team prioritizes other features. Not to worry! I've included you in the feature report and will update this discussion as soon as we have news to share.

If you'd like to stay up to date, please bookmark our Feature Roadmap.