Rise - Can you copy a block between lessons?

Dec 05, 2016

I made several lessons in Rise, and each lesson has multiple blocks. Is it possible to copy a block from one lesson to another? I found I can duplicate blocks within a lesson, and I can duplicate entire lessons. I'm trying to copy one bock of a lesson into another existing lesson. Thanks. 

68 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jim,

Great question - there isn't a way to copy a block from one lesson into another, but if you knew you were going to use the same set up of blocks within a lesson (or similar enough) you could look at duplicating an entire lesson and then editing/deleting as necessary from the duplicate. 

It does sound like a good feature request though, so I'll add it to the list we've shared with our Product team. Keep the good ideas coming and hope you're enjoying Rise! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kim,

Thanks for chiming in here! We're looking at a feature that would allow you to copy lessons/blocks from one course to another, but I don't have an ETA for when that'll be available. 

We'll keep you posted here and you can also see what features and fixes have been released up to this point by reading the Rise Version history.

Stuart Marshall

I think I have requested elsewhere that what we really need is a personal 'Blocks Library' that we can add content to from within any course and pull content from within any course. Am hoping that it's this kind of thing that is what is planned for early 2018? Also, categorising / grouping these saved blocks would be nice too! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stuart, 

Thanks for chiming in here too! The feature I mentioned is still in the works, but I love your ideas and will make sure those get into the hands of our product team. 

In the meantime, take a look at the folders in Rise to see if that helps you categorize and group your courses! 

Leslie McKerchie

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to pop in and let you know that the new Block Templates are available :)

New: Build Rise courses faster by saving existing blocks and their content as templates, then reusing those templates in other lessons. And if you have an Articulate 360 Teams subscription, you can share templates with your team. Learn more about block templates.

All of our latest release notes for Rise can be found here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, we're happy to help!

Ollie Faison
Office of Faculty Development & Educational Support

Hi there- is there an ETA on the feature allowing for content to be re-organized/moved from one block/lesson to another block/lesson inside the same course? 

I would love to have this feature too! Any ETA on when it will be done? 

Cass Netzley
Ollie Faison
Office of Faculty Development & Educational Support

Hi there- is there an ETA on the feature allowing for content to be re-organized/moved from one block/lesson to another block/lesson inside the same course? 

I would love to have this feature too! Any ETA on when it will be done? 

You can currently do that inside of Rise now by dragging and dropping the content section when inside of the main course list. You can also duplicate the block section using the three-dot menu to the right of it and then drag and drop the duplicate to wherever you want it to go. That same three-dot contextual menu (Copy to another course) allows you to copy a section over to a completely separate course if you need to. 

B Jue

Block templates are well and good, but I want to be able to create a structure for the template as I build the course, then do another design pass and enhance the template then have those enhancements apply to each place they occur. For example, say I want to create a flashcard template then later add graphics to each card front in the "master" only one time. Seeing as applying a template only copies the template blocks, I'd have to add those graphics to every flashcard throughout the entire course multiple times.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks, B Jue for sharing some additional enhancements you'd like to see with the block templates. It sounds like you'd want something similar to how a slide master behaves in Powerpoint, that you could re-apply it to an existing section to take on any changes made?

It's always helpful to know what tools and features you need for course design, so I appreciate you taking the time to share. If you have more details please feel free to let me know, or include it here as a feature request!

Eileen Cushing-Craig

I was happy to discover the Block Templates feature. I needed to combine some content between lessons in more than one course, and I really didn't want to recreate the content.

Essentially, I wanted to be able to copy and paste a block from a lesson in one course to a lesson in another course. I just created a template block, copied the blocks I wanted, saved the template block, then created a block in my second course, using the template block to produce a copy of the block in the second course.

Really would have preferred a simpler copy and paste operation, but this got the job done. I hope that you will consider allowing designers to easily copy blocks from course to course in the future.