Assessment of E-Learning Content Vendors

Aug 04, 2015


Our corporation is extremely new to the e-learning game. We've just purchased our first LMS and we are in the process of rolling it out to our 5,500+ employees across the country.

We're currently in talks with multiple vendors to purchase content and we've selected a representation of users from across the corporation to demo the content and offer us feedback. Many of them are content experts in their respective departments/service lines but may not have any training/development experience.

I'd like to provide those users with a brief survey to help us gauge the quality of the content, from their perspective, and to get a handle on how that aligns with solid e-learning quality standards.

Is there a list of benchmarks that can be presented to our group to get an idea of their experience but also learning about the training quality from a user's perspective? If there is not an established list, what types of qualities or questions do you look for when you are vetting vendors and their products?

Initially, I was thinking to ask about the level of engagement, how their end-user employees would respond to training, etc.



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