Print Results WITHOUT questions and Answers

Apr 25, 2013

Utilizing Quizmaker you were easily able to disable users from seeing questions and answers when printing the results slide.

I am completely unable to accomplish this with results slide in Storyline.  Is this possible anymore?  If so, could someone kindly throw up a screenshot or two with which options to select or deselect on the Results Slide Options or whatever else is required to accomplish this.

I had been informed if I deselected the following, it would work:

Allow User to Review Quiz

Allow User to Retry Quiz

I did, uploaded to our LMS, printed results.  FAIL!  There were the answers and questions as usual.  All we need to see is user completion info, not test information.

I double checked with our developer to ensure we had no LMS settings which would interfer with Storylines results slide settings and we don't.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best regards,

Maya Speights

17 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Maya,

I had responded to your previous question in the Quizmaker section, but I didn't realize this was what you were trying to do. 

You might be able to edit the Report.HTML file and remove that question detail from the report. Keep in mind that this method isn't supported, and the information is for Quizmaker, but it should work in Storyline as well:

Customizing The Printed Results

Hopefully that will get you closer to what you're wanting to do. I'd like to see any suggestions other community members can share for this as well.

Good luck!


Maya Speights

The code is too different to use that method.  Storyline code is below.  Any HTML wizards out there?


var g_arrMonths = new Array()

// Enter the month names below
g_arrMonths[0] = "January"
g_arrMonths[1] = "February"
g_arrMonths[2] = "March"
g_arrMonths[3] = "April"
g_arrMonths[4] = "May"
g_arrMonths[5] = "June"
g_arrMonths[6] = "July"
g_arrMonths[7] = "August"
g_arrMonths[8] = "September"
g_arrMonths[9] = "October"
g_arrMonths[10] = "November"
g_arrMonths[11] = "December"

// Enter the column headers
var g_strDateTime = "Date / Time"
var g_strStudentScore = "Student Score"
var g_strPassingScore = "Passing Score"
var g_strResult1 = "Result"
var g_strQuestion = "Question"
var g_strCorrectAns = "Correct Answer"
var g_strResult2 = "Result"
var g_strStudentAns = "Student Answer"
var g_strPointsAwarded = "Points Awarded"
var g_strNeutral = "Neutral"
var g_strCorrect = "Correct"
var g_strIncorrect = "Incorrect"

 width: 600px;
 margin-left: auto;
 margin-right: auto;
 border-width: 1px;

 width: 100%;
 margin-left: auto;
 margin-right: auto;
 border-width: 1px;

TD {
 text-align: center;
 width: 12.5%;

TH {

 color: #008800;

 color: #880000;

 color: #000088;

 text-align: left;
 width: 46.25%; 

 text-align: center;
 width: 3.75%;

 text-align: center;

 margin-top: 0;
 margin-bottom: 0;

 text-align: center;

H1 {
 text-align: center;

H2 {
 text-align: center;

H3 {
 text-align: center;

var g_oContentResults = window.opener.g_oContentResults;
var g_listQuizzes = window.opener.g_listQuizzes;
var g_oPrintOptions = window.opener.g_oPrintOptions;

function WriteQuizResults(strQuizId)
 var oQuiz = g_listQuizzes[strQuizId];

" + oQuiz.strQuizName + "

"); document.write("");

 // Sort our questions by question number
 var arrSort = new Array();
 var arrQuestions = oQuiz.arrQuestions;

 if (arrQuestions.length > 0)
  if (arrQuestions[0].bFound)
   for (var i = 0; i
    arrQuestions[i].bFound = false;

  for (var i = arrQuestions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   var nIndex = -1;
   var nMaxValue = -1;
   for (var j = 0; j
    if (!arrQuestions[j].bFound && Number(arrQuestions[j].nQuestionNumber) > nMaxValue)
     nMaxValue = arrQuestions[j].nQuestionNumber;
     if (nIndex >= 0)
      arrQuestions[nIndex].bFound = false;
     arrQuestions[j].bFound = true;
     nIndex = j;    
   arrSort[i] = nIndex;

  for (var i = 0; i


#" + g_strQuestion + "" + g_strCorrectAns + "" + g_strStudentAns + "" + g_strResult2 + "" + g_strPointsAwarded + "

function AddItem(oQuestion)
 var strResult = g_strIncorrect;
 var strClass = "INCORRECT";
 var strCorrectResponse = " ";
 var strUserResponse = " ";

 if (oQuestion.strCorrectResponse)
  strCorrectResponse = oQuestion.strCorrectResponse;
  strCorrectResponse = strCorrectResponse.replace(/\|#\|/g,", ");
 if (oQuestion.strUserResponse)
  strUserResponse = oQuestion.strUserResponse;
  strUserResponse = strUserResponse.replace(/\|#\|/g,", ");


 document.write("" + oQuestion.nQuestionNumber + "");
 document.write("" + oQuestion.strDescription + "");
 document.write("" + strCorrectResponse + "");
 document.write("" + strUserResponse + "");
 if (oQuestion.strStatus == "correct")
  strResult = g_strCorrect;
  strClass = "CORRECT"
 else if (oQuestion.strStatus == "neutral")
  strResult = g_strNeutral
  strClass = "NEUTRAL"


" + strResult + "");
 document.write("" + oQuestion.nPoints + "");

function FormatDate(dtmDate)
 var strResult = "";
 var nHours = dtmDate.getHours();
 var strAM = "am";
 var nMinutes = dtmDate.getMinutes();
 var strMinutes = "" + nMinutes;

 if (nMinutes
  strMinutes = "0" + nMinutes;

 if (nHours == 12)
  strAM = "pm";

 if (nHours > 12)
  nHours -= 12;
  strAM = "pm";

 strResult += "

 strResult += g_arrMonths[dtmDate.getMonth()] + " ";
 strResult += dtmDate.getDate() + ", ";
 strResult += dtmDate.getFullYear() + "  ";
 strResult += "

 strResult += nHours + ":";
 strResult += strMinutes + " ";
 strResult += strAM;
 strResult += "

" return strResult;}

 var strTitle = g_listQuizzes[g_oPrintOptions.strMainQuizId].strQuizName;

" + strTitle + "

"); if (g_oPrintOptions.strName) {  if (g_oPrintOptions.strName.length > 0)  {   document.write("

" + g_oPrintOptions.strName + "

");  } }


"); document.write("");

 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowUserScore)

 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowPassingScore)
 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowShowPassFail)



 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowUserScore)

 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowPassingScore)
 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowShowPassFail)
  var nPtScore = Number(g_listQuizzes[g_oPrintOptions.strMainQuizId].nPtScore);
  var nPassScore = Number(g_listQuizzes[g_oPrintOptions.strMainQuizId].nPassingScore);
  var strCapResult = (nPtScore >= nPassScore) ? "Pass" : "Fail";
" + g_strDateTime + " " + g_strStudentScore + "" + g_strPassingScore + "" + g_strResult1 + "
" + FormatDate(g_oContentResults.dtmFinished) + " " + g_listQuizzes[g_oPrintOptions.strMainQuizId].nPtScore + "" + g_listQuizzes[g_oPrintOptions.strMainQuizId].nPassingScore + "" + strCapResult + "

 if (g_oPrintOptions.bShowQuizReview)
  var arrQuizzes  = g_oPrintOptions.arrQuizzes;
  // for (strQuizId in g_listQuizzes)
  for (var i = 0; i

Maya Speights

Wow.  Nothing?!?!  How do I request to bring the functionality of QuizMaker's ability to modify these print results back into Storyline.  Seems like an oversight to me and I've got unhappy Managers for good reason.  One could print results and pass amongst the group, then what use is the training?  We can't NOT print the results as some of these trainings are not done utilizing LMS, the printouts are our only proof of completion.


Not Happy Storyline.  :(

El Burgaluva

@Maya: I completely, 100%, totally agree that the inability to customise the Results slide is a problem. Surely, as you point out, it was simply development oversight and will be addressed in the forthcoming update. I've submitted a feature request about this in the past.

@Christine: Has there been any work done on this? I've seen a LOT of threads on this forum about not being able to:

  • customise the Results slide to avoid the problem Maya is reporting
  • print selected information (slightly different -- but related -- to what Maya is referring to)
  • customise the layout in various ways -- to, for example, allow users to print out a certificate of completion

Et cetera.

Is this being looked at?

I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd appreciate a reply other than "Subscribe to Gabe's blog".

Thanks very much,


Christine Hendrickson


I apologize for the frustration. However, I'm afraid I do not have any advice for the code you shared. You may want to start a new thread either here, or in the Building Better Courses section requesting assistance with the code. Hopefully some of our community experts can provide you some additional information or tips that will get this working the way you'd like it.


You're correct. There have been a lot of conversations and requests for customization of these features. I'm with you on this, I agree that additional options and functionality here would be fantastic.

No, I'm afraid I do not have any updates. We are not able to discuss features that are being considered or tested. Once we have official word that a feature is being added or will be included in an update, we'll post the information. You can find the information here, on the blog, on Facebook or on Twitter once it's released. I know that's not what you're wanting to hear, but it truly is the best way to stay updated. 

I hope you both have a great day,


Timothy Condon

Good afternoon Storyliners,

Using Dave Moxon's Quizmaker report.html file, I was able to successfully edit my Storyline report.html file to both hide the lower table in the printed results as well as utilize a few other fields to further customize my printed results. The new file is attached, and can be found at the very bottom of this post. My goal is to eventually put together a web page on this topic that is equally as helpful as Dave's, but in the meantime users should be able to utilize what I've produced.

Changes include (see image below):

  • The entire lower table is now hidden, which included questions, answers and scores
  • The title (which by default reads 'Results') can now be customized to include your course name / course code
  • Instructions to save the results as a PDF were added by repurposing old code
  • Contact information / email address information were added by repurposing old code
  • All of these fields are fully editable by following the instructions within the report.html file

Hopefully this helps some of you. The Articulate Community has been a great help to me, and I'm happy to finally contribute something worthwhile. Thanks again to Dave Moxon for providing the original Quizmaker file.

Happy authoring,

Timothy Condon

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Timothy,

Thanks for updating the file to the correct one - and I also just replied to your private message and included the answer again below:

Unfortunately when a post is verified and moved to the top the attachment does not stay with it - as you mentioned it's still accessible scrolling down to your original post. This is something our web team is aware of as an issue and we're working on a number of other updates to ELH for a future rollout so I suspect that'll be included. In the meantime, you can edit your post to indicate that the attachment is included below, and if you need my assistance with that, please let me know.

Hope you have a great weekend!