Storyline menus - can I make a new menu for each scene?

Feb 27, 2013

Hi All! 

I may be missing something obvious here, but within the course that I am producing, I want to have a different menu for each scene within the course (as each scene acts as a standalone learning module).

Is this something I can do? At the moment I only seem to be able to set the storyline menu to being the same throughout all the scenes.

Many thanks,


9 Replies
Bruce Graham

Hi Richard and welcome to the community.

You can do this if you create custom menus.

Have a look at the attached file, and you will get the idea hopefully.

Just replicate the structure down each scene (a scene here being just one slide long).

Hope that helps, and once again a warm welcome.


Richard Skidmore

Hi Bruce, 

Ok, I've been in to try and update my course from the advice above and I think I didn't make myself clear. 

Basically, what I have is a course structure where I have a number of completely separate scenes. 

Within each scene I need to have a different player menu so that the user can navigate that scene. At the moment, I can only create a player menu that is the same for all scenes within my course (which is far too complicated). I was wondering whether it was possible to create a player menu that is individual for each scene. 

I hope that makes sense! 

Many thanks,


Bruce Graham


Should be possible.

Just replicate what I have here at the start of each scene.

Perhaps have a "Big Main Menu" with buttons that take you to each scene, and then a button on the "By Scene" menus that says "Return to Main Menu".

Menus (in this type of example), are just slides that "do stuff", so should be possible. Sorry that I cannot mock anything up at the moment due to workload.



Richard Skidmore

Hi Bruce, 

Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! 

My structure at the moment is: 

Big main menu 

Leading to

Small main menus in each scene

The issue is the menu in the player on the left hand side toolbar. I can define what it shows here for the entire story, but I wanted to define what it says for each individual scene - I don't seem to be able to create a different player for each scene. 

Thank you for helping out here, I really appreciate it. 


Bruce Graham


It may be that something has changed since the original post, or that something clever can be done using Javascript, however, I think (my) answer still is the same, you need to create custom menus in the "slides" per se, and then disable the side menu. Not sure in my mind (small as it is....) how else this could work. Hopefully someone else will chime in. Best wishes.

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