Studio 13 - Informing User they cannot skip ahead

Sep 30, 2013

Most of my training is required to be "locked" or "linear".  With previous versions of presenter, customers are informed they can go "back only" when trying to skip ahead.

For my first course, i have locked the navigation.  However, this simply disables the buttons and the user is not informed as to why they buttons are not working.

Any suggestions?


7 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Tom,

When I enable the locked navigation within Presenter 13, what I see is a little lock icon when hovering over the Prev/Next button letting me know that I can't use them. It's a bit more subtle than in Presenter 09, but there still is a functionality to indicate that the buttons are not working by design. Also, there are new tutorials posted for Presenter 13 and you can access the one about managing navigation here. 

Janet Cecchettini

I have consistently used "Restricted" navigation for my courses; it was easy in Presenter '09 to set this up and when I had to provide content for iPad users (forcing me to the Storyline product), it was a challenge to get the layers and variables set up to visually warn users that they needed to view the entire slide before they could move ahead. Then copying and pasting them to each slide....... ugh!

Was excited to move back to Presenter for truly rapid learning development, only to discover the way the restricted navigation warning worked before had been "improved".  

Also - in the Slide Properties, the selections are FREE or LOCKED, Player Properties has the navigation I want: "Restricted".  At this point it appears that marking all slides FREE in the Slide Properties is then over-ridden by selecting RESTRICTED in Player Properties.........

Gonna put in a feature request for additional navigation options - my company wants to have users view an entire course, pass the quiz, then be able to reference the material with free navigation in the future.

Ashley Schwartau

We need a course set on manual advance (so interactive in Engage slides, and manual advance between slides). And the client wants the users to be able to jump back to previous sections but not move forward until they have viewed the slide and all the subsections in its entirety. 

I have the Slide Propterties navigation on FREE and the Menu navigation properties set on RESTRICTED. So they can go through the slide subchapters at their own speed, and click in the menu to previously-viewed sections. 

HOWEVER when they click on a section in the menu that hasn't been previously visited NOTHING happens. They don't even get a warning. Where do we set the pop up that tells them WHY they can't move forward?

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