Why is my published video black/blank?

Feb 10, 2014

I created a brief 38 second video in Replay. I published it and when I view the video I have 38 seconds of black screen. I have tried every troubleshooting measure recommended in the forums from uninstalling/reinstalling Replay, repairing Replay, confirming DirectX is installed and enabled, verifying that MS .NET Framework 3.5 is installed and active, publishing both local and on a network drive, to finally just rebooting. 

All for naught. 

I have submitted a support request (Case Number: 00384053), but am hoping maybe there is something else I can try in the interim that I have not yet seen or tried. 


30 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Keith and Kerstin,

I checked in on Travis's case, and wanted to share a few troubleshooting steps and questions to help us determine what's occurring:

1. What internet browser was he recording in? It seemed to be specific to him in IE, but we're not yet sure which version of IE.  Also please let us know what Windows operating system you're using.

2. Also, Replay requires Video hardware acceleration to record and publish correctly as described here. 

3. Have you already conducted the repair? 

Kerstin, I'll also follow along in your case to be able to update the thread.

Travis Mitchell

I'm using IE11 on a Windows 8.1 machine. The issue is not isolated to IE. I get the same results recording my Chrome browser and just my full window (opening smaller programs on the desktop like calculator and the command prompt window). 

Just for grins, I have attached pictures of my DirectX Diagnostics results for both of my displays. As you can see everything is in fine working order.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

HI Doug,

Yes, this sounds like the issue we've reported to our QA team where recording at full screen on a high resolution monitor causes the content to not publish correctly. Our team is looking into this, but in the meantime you'll want to record at a smaller screen size - or using your laptop record at full screen. 

Stephanie Eskins-Gleason


Is there any more news on this? I have two Replay files that are not recorded at full screen and publish fine until I add bottom thirds and Publish again - then they turn black. I can hear sound, but none of the screen sharing is visible. I need the bottom thirds and prefer not to ask my subject matter expert to re-record when I don't know that we won't encounter this issue again.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Stephanie, 

What's the overall size you're recording at? It seems to be mostly connected to full screen recording, but also dependent on the overall screen resolution. For example, I know once user mentioned that changing the screen resolution from 1280x1024 to 1024x768 made the full screen recording work just fine.

This issue is still with our QA team for investigate, so I don't have any additional information but ifyou'd like to share the .replay file with us, we're happy to take a look and share with them as another example. 

Janil  Samson

I've been having this same problem lately. In my experience however, it is not linked to screen resolution or full screen capture. I have a full screen articulate capture that publishes fine on one of my laptop but black if I publish it using my other laptop. The only difference between the 2 is that the one that works uses intel integrated graphics and the other one uses intel integrated graphics + Nvidia

After experimenting with my display driver settings, it appears that the work around for those who might have this combination of display drivers is to:

1. Go to Nvidia Control Panel

2. Under Program Settings

3. Select a Program to customize: Choose Velvet Assassin (Replay.exe)

4, Change the select the preferred graphics processor for this program to integrated graphics instead of Nvidia.

5. Click Add and then close.

This did the trick for me. It might be worth the try.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Courtney,

Unfortunately I don't have any other updates to share. If you're able to record at other screen sizes, I'd recommend using that going forward and perhaps adjusting it to a custom size just below the full screen size so that you're able to capture as much as possible. I'd look at adjusting it with the sizing handles:

Hope that helps in the meantime and once we do have information to share we'll update this thread so as long as you're subscribed you'll receive an email notification.  

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Courtney, 

I haven't seen this with inserted videos, but I wonder if you're inserting them at the same size as a full screen recording, perhaps that is where the issue is occuring? Are you able to share a copy of the video file here so that we could take a look at it as well? If you'd prefer to share privately you can send along to our team here. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Sure Courtney - use the link I shared above to send along to our team and we'll take a look.

I meant if you were inserting videos into a Replay project that you'd also done recordings at full screen, as I mentioned that is known to cause issues with how the content displays when published and perhaps it's an issue with the inserted videos as well. 

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