Looking for a quick and easy way to get your team up to speed on a new app? Check out this software tutorial I created using Rise 360! And if you want help creating your own software tutorial, check out this helpful article: 4 Tips on Creating Software Tutorials in Rise 360.

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Explore the project here.

Madison McCartney

Karen—this is a great question! Here at Articulate (and in the E-Learning Heroes community), we love using GIFs, too! As a best practice, for any GIFs that are longer than 5 seconds, you need to give learners (or readers) a way to pause the media. In newer ELH articles, you'll notice that our GIFs are now looping videos (here's an example article: https://community.articulate.com/articles/7-reasons-stakeholders-love-review-360). You should be able to use any screen recording software (Peek 360 is perfect for this!) to record your "GIF," and then upload your video to a video-hosting platform where you can choose relevant settings (like looping the video). I hope this is helpful! In the meantime, we'll make sure to update the GIFs in this article and example project :) Let us know if you... Expand

Madison McCartney
Madison McCartney
Madison McCartney

Hi Mary Ellen! I'm so glad this example gave you some inspiration :) You can easily set up your Rise 360 quiz to ensure that learners receive a passing score before they continue on. By default, learners will also have unlimited chances to retry the quiz, but you can also customize this with a simple dropdown. To find these adjustable settings, simply edit an existing quiz lesson > click Settings in the upper right-hand corner. To see all the available quiz settings, check out this article: https://articulate.com/support/article/Rise-Quiz-Settings As for the results, if a learner takes a Rise 360 quiz multiple times, the most recent quiz score is sent to your LMS upon exit. I'll post some helpful articles below that talk about Rise 360 quiz data and completion statuses! https:/... Expand

Madison McCartney