Why is g_bWarnOnCommitFail set to false by default?

Aug 24, 2013

Anyone know why the g_bWarnOnCommitFail variable is set to false by default? Doesn't seem logical. I must be missing something.

7 Replies
Jack Dillon

Thanks for the reply, Ashley!

I am referring to the ability to recognize a lost connection to the LMS server and warn the user. Here is the article that describes this. After looking at the published Storyline file package, my guess is this is set to false because it is kind of a pain to control what happens if you set the variable to TRUE.

In the next version of Storyline I would like to see this as an option in the Publish user interface. Would be nice if we could also modify the default warning message in the gui. And I think that the default value should be TRUE since we most likely do want to warn the user if they have lost the connection to the LMS.

Martin Iwinski

It would be good to have that as an option within Storyline. Some of our users are being timed out of the LMS because they leave their workstation. They come back to finish the course, but the LMS does not warn them they have been timed out. So they complete the course and it is not tracked. Our LMS does not have a feature to warn users they were timed out... and because its a crappy LMS it probably won't get such a feature anytime soon. 

It would be good to be able to turn this feature on in Storyline when publishing. Even just a warning message saying that the LMS timed them out.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Martin,

What LMS are you using? There is an issue described here where you can modify the behavior of Moodle with Internet Explorer - although it's not supported by Articulate. There is also this method which alerts users if they've lost their connection - and it may work for your LMS set up timing out too. 

But, if you'd like to see it in a future version of Storyline - please feel free to send in a feature request as well. 

Dan Marsden

FYI in Moodle 2.7 we've added a network check to see if the user is still logged in and the network connection is still available. We have had a few reports from iPad users complaining that it is too frequent and they get a lot of errors... (although I suspect they have bigger issues with intermittent network availability)

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