Examples for a fire safety training?

Mar 13, 2014

Hello! I am about to create my first Storyline training package, which will be about fire safety for health workers in the community/people's homes. Since it will be my first go, and you all seem so friendly, I thought I'd ask if you've seen any relevant examples I could use to get the creative juices flowing?

Basically, it will be:

1. common risks and how to manage them,

2. what action they should take/policy and procedures.

So it's more of giving information and assessing they've understood it, with links/embedded content.

Any help much appreciated


5 Replies
Dane James

Ruth, here is how I framed the fire extinguisher training for my company. Hope this helps

  1. Start with trivia about fires in history, Chicago Fire, The Van Camp ship in Texas city
  2. Types of fire
  3. What type of extinguishers do we have?  Where are there locations?
  4. How to use a extinguisher, PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep)
  5. Building alarm, how to set off the alarm, locations of alarm switch
  6. When to fight, when to run, when to call 911
  7. Floor warden, person responsible for getting everyone out in theri section
  8. Is everyone out
Kay Ehm

Very exciting! My suggestion would to be to look at how training manuals for firefighters are structured and go off of those. Probably a little more intense than what you need but you really can't go wrong by going above and beyond the bare minimum when it comes to safety. My cousin has a friend who teaches these kind of courses and he uses resources from fireservicebooks.com - maybe you should check them out? Hope this helps!

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