Quiz highlight color

Aug 06, 2014

Where can I change the color of the answer highlight (default is light blue) to match my background?

3 Replies
Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Hi Natasha,

Do you mean the color that appears when the Learner hovers over an answer? Like this:

That's controlled for most questions (but not all) via the Design Themes. To change it

  1. Click the Design tab
  2. Click the Colors drop-down
  3. Click Create new theme colors.
  4. Click the Control 1 drop-down
  5. You may want to save this theme with a new name

But I believe it doesn't work on certain quiz slides, like the Matching Drop-Down.

Greg Faust

I also was unsure what you meant, Natasha. If Rebecca is right, though, follow her suggestion.

Be aware also that you can change the color for individual responses by editing the Fill of their "Hover" state.

  • Select the object
  • Pull up the States tab; double-click the Hover state (1 in the picture)
  • On the format tab up top, select fill (2 in the picture)

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