Laura Rogers
Laura Rogers
Instructional Designer
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Storyline - Using Variables to calculate total value
"Hi, I'm trying to create a slide in Storyline, in which users would input 3 numbers as numeric variables - let's call them A, B and C. Wh..."
  • 12 years ago05/16/12 at 8:15 am (UTC)
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Remove "Score so far:" field from opening blank slide?
"Hi, I'm trying to remove the "Score so far:" from a blank slide I put in the front of a quiz, but not from the followign pages with actua..."
  • over 12 years ago12/21/11 at 7:56 am (UTC)
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Error opening Quizmaker
"Hi, I'm  having a hard time opening Quizmaker. I keep getting the error below (picture attached).  Anyone have the same? •See the en..."
  • over 12 years ago12/20/11 at 2:26 pm (UTC)
"Hi Peter - Thanks for the info!  I'm struggling on step 3 and integrating it into existing site.  Is there a screer that shows someone do..."
  • over 12 years ago11/15/11 at 1:33 pm (UTC)
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Insert Articulate Presenter into Dreamweaver HTML?
"Hi, I'd like to make a few slide presenation in Presenter, and insert it into a Dreamweaver HTML course.  Do anyone know how to do this? ..."
  • over 12 years ago11/15/11 at 8:18 am (UTC)
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Engage Tabs - cutting off title text
"Hi - Trying to build a TABS interaction.  It is taking the tabs title and putting it on the content pages, which is fine.  Except it's cu..."
  • over 12 years ago11/14/11 at 1:22 pm (UTC)
Laura Rogers replied to the discussion Removing dropshadow behind title bar
"Thanks Phil.  Not the answer I was hoping for, but at least it lets me know I shouldnt' keep searching!"
  • over 12 years ago11/14/11 at 1:17 pm (UTC)
Laura Rogers started a new discussion Removing dropshadow behind title bar
"Hi, I want to to remove the title bar from the FAQs engage interaction.  From what I understand, this is not possible.  In lieu of that, ..."
  • over 12 years ago11/14/11 at 6:59 am (UTC)