Nick n/a
Nick n/a
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"''@Nicholas I have to make some things clear before this gets out of hand. I never linked this "idea" to e-learning heroes or Articulat..."
  • 10 years ago05/22/14 at 3:54 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"''Trying to overcome some vagueness at present and imagining possibilities for the future, there is a problem for me with the proposition..."
  • 10 years ago05/22/14 at 1:11 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"The best route could be to stick with the forum and community that have already developed and see how it goes from there. Once Articulate..."
  • 10 years ago05/22/14 at 1:09 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"@Bruce One question: Would you call your idea a 'freelance co-operative?' @Alexandros Creating something for a non-profit organisation is..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 11:19 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"I had this question about an Articulate MOOC previously: Basically, the Artic..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:59 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
" an idea why not throw it in the pot for the weekly challenge and ask David Anderson to tell E-Learning Hero community members abou..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:57 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"I'm looking into remote working to get a rough idea of how this could work as a thought experiment. Looking forward to the development of..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:53 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"I wonder about the transition period from being a possibility to a regular. How would that process work for this forum? I'm more aware of..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:38 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Design block
"@David ''Does anyone else have any techniques for getting over this?'' Active refreshing exercise."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:17 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelancers United RFP
"@Alex Seems more like a collective..."
  • 10 years ago05/20/14 at 8:14 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"I understand your position better now and have sent you a PM Ladele. @Bruce ''You need to have the hunger to succeed.'' +100 million."
  • 10 years ago05/17/14 at 2:47 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"I wasn't aware of Lifelong Kindergarten. Thank you Bruce."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 7:20 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"Depends if people are willing to pay for content."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 6:38 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"''The greatest benefit to me would be that of the information access...having access to course materials from reputable institutions is a..."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 6:26 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"Well, if you take a MOOC you could still get a piece of paper. (If you pay for it.) Are you looking at MOOCS from the perspective or High..."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:44 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"With regards to MOOCS, it depends if they're going to be financially viable, acceptable by employers as a route to train and gain qualifi..."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:29 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion MOOCs - What are your thoughts?
"A thought on MOOCS."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:21 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"''read the forums religiously.'' Joshua, this site is bookmarked on all my computers. That advice should be put by Articulate as a welcom..."
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:17 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"''So much more has been added to the workload of the teachers that takes away from our planning great lessons. '' +1"
  • 10 years ago05/16/14 at 5:07 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"Oh and Joshua can point you in the right direction. I'm still a work in progress."
  • 10 years ago05/15/14 at 8:35 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"I guess job description(s) would help to give a clearer idea. I'm not sure how I'd apply for an eLearning developer job without a portfol..."
  • 10 years ago05/15/14 at 8:34 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Teacher transition
"A warm welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community Ladele. Are you looking specifically for a eLearning developer job or working as a free..."
  • 10 years ago05/15/14 at 7:52 am (UTC)
"I'm still not sure about having material to share with others or for the purpose of your own use. Time can be limited I know. It seems li..."
  • 10 years ago05/13/14 at 3:01 am (UTC)
"@Ashley, Are you looking for design or development materials specifically? As in resources to develop eLearning or ID design tools."
  • 10 years ago05/12/14 at 5:26 am (UTC)
Nick n/a replied to the discussion Freelance Heroes
"Thank you Bruce, The part about ''You need to do things rather than talking about it. This is the hard one.'' I like that. Same for the B..."
  • 10 years ago05/11/14 at 6:58 am (UTC)