Rebekah Massmann
Rebekah Massmann
Instructional Designer at Freelance
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Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Could a variable misbehave due to a flash version issue?
"We have tested our content extensively with many users on varying systems and have not run into this issue until today. The story file i..."
  • almost 11 years ago09/12/13 at 7:33 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Free form drag and drop issue - learner can't try again
"We're in the user testing phase of this project, and I need some help! I have not had any trouble with my drag and drop and pick many fr..."
  • almost 11 years ago09/03/13 at 8:36 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Tip of the Day - Lightboxed Slides on the Player
"Just something I figured out in the course of working on a project, and I thought I would share. I wanted a slide from the course to be a..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/23/13 at 10:14 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Desk objects template file?
"A while ago someone in the community shared a great template with some office/desk themed shapes (envelopes, an open agenda). I think the..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/22/13 at 12:08 pm (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Text box moving when previewed
"My text box is centered in a shape on my slide. It does include some returns and tabs, as well as variables (though it doesn't appear th..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/20/13 at 9:35 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Issues with Hotspot Triggers
"Maybe I'm trying to make this too difficult, but here's my issue. Ideally I would like a layer to show up when a button is hovered over i..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/14/13 at 8:24 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Free Icon Template
"It's nothing fancy, but I've been really digging icon navigation lately, so I made these in PowerPoint for a course I'm doing. I thought ..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/09/13 at 9:57 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Layer not closing properly
"So my intention is, I'd like for this layer to show up if the learner clicks the purple tabs before visiting the 3 other tabs. I set up a..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/02/13 at 8:49 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Trying to create drop down menu when hovered over
"I'm hoping to create a menu bar across the top of the course, so participants can access various sections on demand. However, I'd like th..."
  • almost 11 years ago08/01/13 at 6:40 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Branching Best Practices/Tips
"I'm looking at creating a branching interaction (customer, sales type of conversation), where I want the learners to be able to make choi..."
  • almost 11 years ago07/11/13 at 11:01 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Success Factors LMS and Storyline
"Does anyone have any experience with publishing Storyline files to Success Factors? We're evaluating Storyline right now, and we want to ..."
  • almost 11 years ago07/02/13 at 8:17 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Web Object Issues
"I apologize if I'm making a novice error here, but I've tried searching the forums for my issue and didn't find anything to help. I'm hav..."
  • almost 11 years ago06/26/13 at 3:03 pm (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Errors when switching view modes
"I'm trying to start in standard view, then there's a short intro "movie" I'd like to be in slide only view, and then I'd like to go back ..."
  • 12 years ago04/11/12 at 3:47 pm (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Best Image Size/Resolution for PPT
"Ok, so I've been trying to do some research on this topic, and now I'm more confused than when I started. Some say the dpi of the image m..."
  • over 12 years ago01/23/12 at 11:26 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Demo (Topic: Emergency Response)
"Hey guys, I'm creating a course at work around emergency response. My inspiration was Tom's recent demo about making an emergency kit. Ve..."
  • over 12 years ago01/18/12 at 12:12 pm (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Grouped shape and text ungrouping in LMS
"I have caption shapes with one of the preset effects applied (PowerPoint 07), and I have text boxes on top, and then grouped, and then an..."
  • over 12 years ago01/07/12 at 3:24 pm (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Results Slide Text Scrunching
"Anybody know why this is happening? I've tried changing the player font, the "view at optimal size" versus "scale" options. This happens ..."
  • over 12 years ago01/03/12 at 8:51 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Looking for tutorial Re: creating hot spot pop ups in SnagIt
"I know I've seen this screenr, but I've searched and searched and can't find it again! The author created an image in SnagIt, adding hot ..."
  • over 12 years ago01/02/12 at 9:06 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Magazine Cutout Example
"I was hoping to just add this example to an existing thread, but I couldn't seem to find one. Feel free to move, if it applies better som..."
  • over 12 years ago12/13/11 at 4:55 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Master Player Templates disappeared
"I have been working in a project and had successfully published a test run or two, but this last time I tried to publich, all of the mast..."
  • over 12 years ago12/08/11 at 8:39 am (UTC)
Rebekah Massmann started a new discussion Mind Map Feedback--Topic: Graphic Design
"Hello everyone, I'm new to the Articulate Community, so let me know if there's another forum that would be better for this question. A li..."
  • over 12 years ago11/16/11 at 10:23 am (UTC)