Blackjack (21, Pontoon etc) - eLearning challenge #278

Apr 21, 2020

First time I've ever actually managed to sit down and give one of these challenges a go!

A long time ago I used to be a casino croupier - which made the idea of creating a blackjack player versus dealer game pop in my head I guess.

A lot more straightforward than I thought it would be when I started - with more time would be interesting to put more complexity in to the variables.

I have made it simpler than true blackjack rules, so Ace is always high (11), there's a limit of 5 cards max for both player and dealer - and whilst I wanted to introduced stakes- just didn't have time!  Which did mean no doubling up or splitting of anything like that!

It's not the prettiest thing - but just had one evening to do it!

edit - updated with first to 5 wins erm wins mechanic, characters etc

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