How to Reset Quiz After Clicking Try Again

Jan 20, 2015

I have a few different quizzes in my course, they are all set up the same:

When the Incorrect slide layer appears, I have renamed the Continue button to "Try Again". The trigger is set to jump to the same quiz slide. Under properties, the base layer and slide layers have been set to "Reset to initial state" when revisiting.

The Multiple Choice quiz and Word Drag and Drop quiz work fine; meanwhile, the Matching Drag and Drop, and Sequence Drag and Drop freeze up and don't reset - you simply can't move any of the parts.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what I might do to troubleshoot/fix?


31 Replies
June Lum

Hi - I know that this is a really old thread but I'm having an issue where my slides will not reset to the initial state when I've changed the slide settings to "Reset to Initial State", including the layer settings. Each question should have 2 attempts, but I'm not having any luck, The number of attempts has also been set to 2. 

Any suggestions? I've attached the slide. 

Crystal Horn

Hi there, June. The default behavior of the Try Again layer is to simply hide the layer. It won't reset the answer choices because the slide was not "revisited." However, you can add a trigger to your Continue button to jump to slide (current slide) when the user clicks. Since the slide properties are to reset the slide to the initial state, you'll see the answer choices reset.

Does that help?

Shi Almont

Hi everyone, 

I've been digging through threads trying to find an answer to my question--this thread seems to get the closest to solving my issue, but not quite. I have a drag and drop quiz. Students get three attempts. When they click "try again" I need the drag items to reset to their initial state. When I set up the layer to "reset to initial state" when revisited, the drag items do just that. However, this also resets the number of attempts the students have used, therefore giving them unlimited attempts rather than three. How do I resolve this issue? Thank you! 

Sarah Oakes

Hello everyone - I know this thread is old, but this is the closest I've seen to what I'm dealing with. I am having a similar issue as Shi Almont who posted a year ago, and I didn't see a resolution about limited question attempts but revisiting or resetting the original page. 

I have test questions for a course that I would like to limit to 2 attempts with 3 response layer options for learners - 1) a try again layer if they get the response wrong on the first attempt, 2) an incorrect layer if they get it wrong on the second attempt (with the right answer included), and 3) a correct layer if they get it correct on either attempt. Then I have a "back to question" button on the two 2nd attempt layers so the learner can click back and see the original question (base layer) if they would like (but not retake the question).

It all works with mouse clicking, but I can't get the keyboard shortcuts to work properly. Once I leave the 2nd attempt screen to go to the next slide and then navigate back to the question slide, it stays stuck on the 2nd attempt slide layer. I can't move between the buttons on the layer ("tab") and I can't select the "continue" or "back to question" buttons ("enter"), so I can't get back to the base layer. 

Any ideas for how to resolve this? I am attaching a test version of my slides here. 

Luciana Piazza

Hi Sarah! 

Thanks so much for reaching out! 

I see that you manually created triggers and variables that call on the which layer (Try Again, Incorrect, Correct) to open. Is there a reason why you chose that approach instead of using Storyline’s built-in functionality? A multiple response slide with two attempts should do exactly what you’re looking to achieve, without the need for additional triggers.

Attached you'll find a sample .story file where I've included a multiple response question with 2 attempts. Here's a quick Peek where I walk you through my file. 

Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Lily Winter


I've run into a parallel issue and am looking for assistance. 

In my project, I would like the user to be able to retake the quiz. I've used the built-in "Reset Quiz Results," as Tamara suggested above.

However, when a user is brought to the start of the quiz, they are unable to click any of the answer options, and therefore are unable to progress in the quiz. 

Has anyone run into this issue or found a solution that worked for them?

Thank you!
