Moving quickly on your feedback to improve team folders

Oct 05, 2023

Hi everyone,

On October 4, 2023, we launched team folders for Rise 360 in a public beta.

This was one of our most requested enhancements. With team folders, you and your team can now organize and collaborate on courses team-wide instead of managing them individually.

Team folders help separate private projects from those shared with collaborators. Shared projects now live in the Team section of the sidebar. When folks opened their Rise 360 dashboard on October 4th, they couldn't easily find their work. We acknowledge that the experience was confusing and frustrating.

We push hard to get top requested features like team folders into your hands, but we moved too quickly in this case. Our lesson learned: we should have rolled this out incrementally and been more intentional about not changing your workflow unexpectedly.

We heard you loud and clear! We appreciate your patience and feedback, which we're relying on to improve the experience ASAP.

We're quickly rolling out a series of updates to make it easier for you and your team to take advantage of the new collaboration features you've asked for while managing content the way you're used to.

Every course that was previously in your dashboard is available in My View. Our intention was for My View to be the Rise 360 dashboard replacement. But we've learned it's missing key features you depend on, such as the overall course count and viewing recent courses across personal and team folders.

In the next few days, you'll see additional file management options in My View that make it easier for you and your team to set up your shared folder structure in the new team folder section at your own pace. We're adding improvements to the way you manage the My View section. We're also working quickly to make it easy to identify recent projects. 

At Articulate, we’re constantly seeking ways to deliver value to you as quickly as possible. We recognize that we moved too quickly on this specific change and will handle changes like this more thoughtfully in the future.

Continue sharing your team folders feedback with us, and we'll report back on progress next week. We value your input!

- The Rise 360 Collaboration Team

32 Replies
The Career  Academy

Why does the Public folder, only show content in my folder for each page. IE I have 31 courses in one folder but when I open the folder it is saying Content 16 it is not until I scroll to the bottom of the page that is shows 1-16of 31.  Whereas the shortcut folder shows Content 31. 



Steven Benassi

Hi The Career Academy!

It sounds like you had questions about the way Team Folders organizes content per viewing page. Happy to help with this!

To clarify, were you only given access to 16 of the 31 courses in the Public folder? Also, it would be helpful to see a screen recording of the behavior as you are experiencing it on your end. Would you be comfortable sharing a Peek recording here in the discussion or privately through a support case?

Thank you! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Joan York

Yes, we need this too!  As the team admin for 10-20 seats that are sometimes reassigned, I need to be on all the teams and have the highest level of access to every course. Right now, I'm dependent on individual team members to remember to add me to a course or folder. This can really slow down our production process!

Jose Tansengco

Hi everyone!

In the latest update for Rise 360, we've released a new feature allowing users to select multiple items in their dashboards. Please refresh your browser windows to see the update.

  • Enhanced: Multi-select items in your Private and Team folders, then move or delete them in bulk.

You can check out the release notes here.

Hope you have a great day!

pix pix1234

Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update and the transparency. It's great to see that the team is listening to user feedback and actively working on improvements. The introduction of team folders is a fantastic enhancement, and I’m looking forward to seeing the additional file management options and improvements in My View. These changes will definitely make collaboration more seamless. Keep up the good work, and thanks for keeping us in the loop!