Restricting Rise Quiz Attempts Not Working

Mar 01, 2022

Hi all,

I have a Rise 360 module with a quiz at the end. The quiz is set to allow the user 3 attempts at passing, with a 90% pass rate. I also have the setting to require the passing score before continuing.

The issue I face is that the number of attempts actually appears to be unlimited, and the user is not restricted to the 3 attempts I have set. 

I have tested in SCORM Cloud.

Does anyone else experience this same issue, or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance.

14 Replies
Azizi Abdullah

Hi there. I've encountered the same issue but for a different reason. If I have "Reveal Answers" set to "Show incorrect answers with feedback" the Retries restriction doesn't work. However, if it have "Reveal Answers" set to "Hide all answers" the Retries restriction works. 

I have "Require passing score to continue" set off, and I've tried with and without feedback in the actual quiz, but the results are the same. Unlimited attempts. 

Is this intentional, or a bug? You'd think that when giving a student several attempts at a quiz, it'd be nice to tell them which ones they got wrong on their current attempt. 

John Morgan

Hi, Steven!

I'm sorry you're having this issue with restricting quiz attempts. I would love to troubleshoot this for you. Would you be willing to share your course with us? Here are the steps to do that.

On your Rise 360 dashboard...

  1. Click the three dots button
  2. Click Send a copy
  3. Type as the email address
  4. Add a message that includes my name like "This is for John Morgan."

Thanks for reaching out!

Azizi Abdullah

Thanks for your responses John and Crystal. Crystal, what you've done is exactly what I want to achieve, but can't. I tested in Review as well, but I can't remember if I tested after it was uploaded to our LMS. I'll test again on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday here).  John, I've shared the course as requested. Thanks again.

John Morgan

Hi Steve,

After testing your course, the retake button stopped showing up after a total of 4 tries (the first try + the 3 retries). I made the mistake of only going through the quiz 3 times in my testing. Crystal pointed out to me that a total of 4 tries was needed to not see the retake button. Is it possible you did the same?

Looking forward to your response!

Azizi Abdullah

Sorry Jordan, that was my misunderstanding the function of the "Quiz Retries" setting. I should have set it to 2, making a total of 3 attempts. 

However, that is not my issue. My issue was that when I set the "Reveal Answers" setting to "Show Incorrect Answers with Feedback" ,the retries restriction would no longer be applied. I just tried changing that setting to "Show Incorrect Answers with Feedback" with 2 x quiz retries and it works!!

Not sure if it's a bug or me, but problem solved. So thanks anyway!

Lea Agato

Hi Rashmi,

If you use limited quiz retries and learners reach the retry limit, they will be marked as failed and will not be able to take the quiz again. If you need to allow your user to take the quiz again, you can try resetting the status for the learner.  You might need to check with your LMS if this option is available.

Gillian Baird

Hi all, 

I have set my quiz to 2 retries (total 3 attempts) If all 3 attempts are failed the user needs to redo a webinar and get our team to reset the quiz module for them to attempt again. However, on the third fail the module just stops. Is there a way for a next slide/block to inform the user of the retraining requirement? How do I do this?

Thanks, Gillian

Jose Tansengco

Hi Gillian,

There isn't a way to edit the results page of a Rise 360 quiz, but if you have the "Require Passing Score To Continue" option disabled for your course, you can place a text block right after the quiz to inform them that they need to request for the quiz module to be reset.

Alternatively, you can place a textbox before the quiz to instruct your learners to request a reset for the quiz module if they fail. This would be a better solution if your learners need to pass the quiz before they can proceed with the course.