Last Post Replies
Mandy c.
Hello Friends: I found many cliparts in but cannot ungrouped at all. Is there anyway to solve this?
almost 12 years ago
By Sayuj Ravindran
Michele Hairston
I am having a problem with my text boxes with bulleted list not having the feature to build using animation. I was able to do it in one slide but I have about 20 o...
almost 12 years ago
By Michele Hairston
Lu Post
I've created a Storyline course and want to use a custom pause and play button to control the imported audio file instead of the seekbar. My pause button sits on top o...
almost 12 years ago
By Lu Post
Paul Shorr
Where do I find the control to customize the button and text colors on the dialog box that come up when you have not selected any answers to a question but click SUBMI...
almost 12 years ago
By Paul Shorr
raymond seguin
I posted this question a few days ago, no response(s). Will try again. Thanks! Hi, I am working with a trial version of Storyline and have to say it has been pretty g...
almost 12 years ago
By Leah Hemeon
Misha Milshtein
No matter what I do, my iPad output does now display important swfs, can someone offer a word of advise? I know about the rules and limitations, and I am trying a simp...
almost 12 years ago
By Tom Kuhlmann
Fiona Quigley
Hi all, Is there a way of hiding pages from your menu navigation? I have a help page that I only want to display through a new help tab on the player within a lightbox...
almost 12 years ago
By Bruce Graham
Dean Phillips
I am researching the possibility to have the left handed sidebar collapse or (hide) to allow more viewable content at the slide level. This will allow the user to view...
almost 12 years ago
By Jill McNair
matt steele
So I believe one of the coolest features of presenter, or powerpoint, depends how you look at it, was the ability to create animations using the flash once animations....
almost 12 years ago
By Steve Flowers
Abby Waterman
In one scene, I've imported a .swf originally created in Captivate 5, and want to follow it with another .swf created in Camtasia 7.1 (got Storyline mid-project). I ha...
almost 12 years ago
By Abby Waterman
Tracy Marshall
I just got approved! Anyone interested in meeting up to talk SL, let me know!
almost 12 years ago
By Tracy Marshall
Jill McNair
Hi everybody, This community has inspired me with so many amazing Storyline projects.  Thought I would challenge myself to make my own contribution.  My quest:  Find a...
almost 12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Jason Morris
I'm unsure of how to transition a user to the next slide or layer after a "jump to URL/file" trigger has been activated.  Specifically, I have a slide with a hotspot....
almost 12 years ago
By Hugh Gardner
Johanna Rasmusson
Hi! I'm trying to figure out the correct reporting and tracking options for Agresso LMS integration. I've tried Passed/Failed for tracking quiz result, but the course...
almost 12 years ago
By Johanna Rasmusson
Jessica Smith
Hi - I have created an interactive simulation course (using try mode screen recording) with 6 slides in total. When I preview the course in Storyline it advances smoot...
almost 12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Jennifer Bircher
Hi, has anyone run into issues with low memory while running Storyline? I ran into this yesterday for the first time. I'm using a company-issued laptop, which is prett...
almost 12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
UF_Buck Buchholz
I'm testing the 30-day trial of Storyline. I took an existing PowerPoint course that we have already created and enhanced with Articulate. When I export it to our webs...
almost 12 years ago
By Brian Batt
Ramon Smitherman
I have a coruse a custoemr is viewing.  It works for me but when they launch it the spinner starts and it never progresses.  They are using IE version 8. I have sugges...
12 years ago
By Ramon Smitherman
James Brandwood
Hi Everyone, I am currently updating a module made with Studio into Storyline and have inserted the relevent quiz. In Studio it was set so the user would have to pass ...
12 years ago
By Jeanette Brooks
Hi all! I have a problem when I import an Engage interaction in Storyline. The ressources at the Topbar Right in Player Tabs are hidden (backward the Engage interactio...
12 years ago