Disappearing content from slide/stage and only appears if I click in the text box

May 15, 2024

So not sure what I did but initially the content on the stage, aka slide was always displaying in the application. Now, if I go any slide, the content is on the stage but just not visible till I click in the text box? Not sure what to make of this behavior. I've attached a short video clip to this post, so maybe you can figure it out. 

Any assistance is appreciated to solve this riddle is appreciated. Thank you

4 Replies
Nom de Guerre -

Thank you, it sort of solved the problem....now have a follow-up, so when I am in the slide/stage area I do see the content, but for whatever reason in the scenes section aside from one scene all other scenes show as blank even though they all have content and I have toggled back and forth with the Timeline Visualization button to no avail. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance. Image and short video attached.