State change for "grouped" state

Feb 02, 2016

Hello and thanks for all the help in advance!

I have an interaction were the learner is suppose to drag sticky notes onto a whiteboard. Simple enough right? I have a text box which is a variable that is filled out beforehand by the learner, that needs to be dragged with the sticky notes. So what it looks like is your "text entry" being dragged when I  grab the sticky note.

When the notes are dropped onto the whiteboard, in order to save space, I wanted the sticky notes to become smaller, and instead of having the text with variable, the design of the sticky note needs to change to a smaller note, that has scribbles on it.

What I did to accomplish this was copy the text box that contains "%textentry1%" and i edited the state of my sticky note, pasting the text box onto the note.

I created two other states, a drop on state and a hover state. However when i drop the note onto the drop zone, it changes to the correct state, but the text box from the "Normal" state stays. See the image below to see whats going on.

Is there a work around for this? even though my dropped state does not have this text box in it, it still remains. 

28 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Jack -- The need to protect client content is common and certainly understood! Here are a few options:

You are certainly welcome to create a test file or a file where sensitive content has been removed, and then upload it here in the thread for others to chime in to assist. All you'd need to do is click on the grey ADD ATTACHMENT button in the bottom left of the reply box and upload from there. 

You may also send your unaltered file for private offline review by myself or one of the other moderators here in the community by using this form. The choice is yours! :)

Jack Calderone

Here is the storyline file. Here's a simple guide to what to do during a preview.

Add whatever text to the text entry field, then lose focus. Drag the sticky note into the drop zone. It should change to a smaller version with just scribbles on it. However, your entered text stays on the note

Christie Pollick

Hi, Jack -- Thanks so much for your continued patience, and I wanted to confirm that I encountered the behavior you described in both Preview and also over here when I tested your published output on I'd like our Engineers to review your file as well for additional ideas on adjustments that could be made so that the entered text does not remain after the sticky note downsizes to show scribbles. I'll set you up in a case and you'll be contacted via email shortly. :)

Christie Pollick

Sure thing, Jack, and I am seeing that your case, 00733739, is now is our system and will be transferred to a Support Engineer shortly. I also wanted to note that if you happen to not receive the confirmation email in just a few minutes, please check your SPAM folder, and definitely let us know if you do not receive it at all! :)

Christie Pollick

Hi, Jack -- It's possible that the email address we have on file in our system currently (which I used to create your ticket) is no longer valid. If you could create a 'dummy ticket' using this form (please put it to my attention), I can compare the email address you used to create the ticket with the one I pulled from your file and can update your case accordingly.

I will then close the 'dummy ticket' and associate the new email address provided with your existing case. I'll also be sure to forward you the confirmation email and we'll go from there! :)

Jennifer Sader

I think you can accomplish what you want to do but you will need a second variable. You are using the TextEntry variable to both check the user's answer and to display on the sticky note. If you create a second variable to hold the answer for checking, you can copy TextEntry to that variable and trigger TextEntry to go blank when the sticky is dropped on the hotspot.

In my image, "Answer" is the variable that will hold the answer to check it.


I have tested this and it works for me. Let me know if you have any questions.

Christie Pollick

Great suggestion, Jennifer! Thanks so much, and Jack, please let us know if that will do the trick for you!

Otherwise, I wanted to confirm that I have received the 'dummy' ticket, and yes, the email address you used to create the ticket did not match what we had on file. I'll be updating momentarily, and forwarding the previously sent messages accordingly. :)

Jack Calderone

Hi Jennifer, thanks for the suggestion!

Your  suggestion works great! however, where one problem is solve, another rises. I use my %TextEntry% variables several times throughout the eLearning. If i create a trigger that sets TextEntry to (blank) then when I access the variable later on, it will also become blank. 

I think I solved this problem as well by creating a second set of TextEntry variables and having them set to equal the first set. But even this creates one last problem. This also solved an issue with having a hover state that expands the small scribbled note to the original note. (it has the first variables parallel.

So the problem I'm now having with this fix is if the learner decides to move the sticky note back after it has been correctly dropped into its drop zone. If this happens and the note moves back to its initial location, and the variable that was present before is no longer there because it has been changed to blank.

I'm still open to any suggestions. If there is a better work around great! if not I can play with triggers some more. But its important that the notes that do lose their variable still appear to have it if returned to my sticky note bank


Just a though - would creating a 4th state (Normal, Dropped, Hover, 4th) that the note switches to after returned to the bank work? I'm playing with it now.

Jennifer Sader

In my experience, every subsequent state inherits things like text boxes from the Normal state. If you were to create a 4th state, I'd recommend creating a blank Normal state and then have a WithText state that is your current Normal state. That might solve your drag-and-drop issue without a second variable, too.

Jack Calderone

Alright! This has worked! (For the most part) If either you, Jennifer, or Christie would like to take one more look at my updated test file you can see how I solved the issue with the sticky note keeping the text I want between each state. Once you drag the sticky note into the drop zone, take it out and let it snap back to its original position. I believe the sticky note reverts back to its Normal state. Which is only a problem because that state no longer contains any next.

Jennifer Sader

I think that what you want is for the text to appear on the sticky whenever it is not in the Drop Correct state. Try deleting this set of triggers (copy them first so you can put them back if necessary). It seems like it works the way you want without them -- the text reappears on the sticky when in the original position.


Jack Calderone

Hi Jennifer, I tried your suggestions and sort have gotten it to work. I've included my latest story test file. Check out the video in the beginning. It is a screen recording of the user testing I did in the preview. 

In summary, the drag and drop does exactly what i want it to do when:
1. I initially drop the note into the drop zone

2. when i return the note to its "bank"

It has odd behavior when:

1. I hover over the sticky note for a second time.

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