Last Post Replies
vivian berger
I am very new and have been searching for an answer but have been unable to locate any. I can do the lock/unlock on individual layers on the timeline but I want to be ...
almost 12 years ago
By vivian berger
Maranda Clement
Hi, I want to publish this course to be used on Health Stream. I am not sure how to publish it so that I can make it to use on health stream. Thanks
almost 12 years ago
By Simon Perkins
Aileen Lynch
Hi again! We are currently using Storyline in our Blackboard 9.1 courses. When I attempt to include the link to our published Storyline file as a menu item or an embed...
almost 12 years ago
By Aileen Lynch
Bruce Graham
I guess this one MAY be a support call, however.... I have a slide with 3 x buttons - each of which fires up a layer. On each layer is text - 4 paragraphs, each number...
almost 12 years ago
By Magnus Nirell
Nick Moffitt
Posted 42 minutes ago   Hello Everyone, I originally posted this in the Building Better Courses forum, but was told it might find a better audience here. I...
almost 12 years ago
By Nick Moffitt
Joshua Landesman
Does Storyline show you how long a particular project is in minutes and seconds?  We like to have that posted on our pages with each training module, but I can't seem ...
almost 12 years ago
By Joshua Landesman
Rosina Hassoun
The slide list on the left hand side is not the same as the real order of my slides in Storyline. How do I fix this and what did I do wrong to have this problem?
almost 12 years ago
By Gerry Wasiluk
Jodie O'Rourke
Hi there, I have recently created my first demonstration using Storyline. The content is a mixture of templates and screen recordings. I recorded the screen recording...
almost 12 years ago
By Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro
Mindy Barenblat
I have published my first Storyline and it works great if viewed on a PC or Mac... however, when viewed on an iPad, it loads the first slide and then doesn't move forw...
almost 12 years ago
By Mindy Barenblat
Bruce Graham
Hi, I have a course with a mixture of buttons, and shapes that act as buttons. I can change the shape of the custom buttons at will, however, is it possible to Format...
almost 12 years ago
By Bruce Graham
Mohan Kumar
Multiple Languages supporting in storyline?
almost 12 years ago
By Bruce Graham
vinayak kadam
Hello Guys, I have this unique requirement where user will have a pre-assessment. Depending upon his performance in pre-assessment, specific topics would only be avail...
almost 12 years ago
By vinayak kadam
Marty King
Okay, I'm trying to make the Next button inactive until the participants clicks on all the buttons or markers. I've been able to accomplish this with the buttons by us...
almost 12 years ago
By Marty King
David Flynn
Hello all, I'm a complete newbie and this may be a dumb question, but where do I find my Account URL?  I've created my 1st training video and want to put it on my iPad...
almost 12 years ago
By Nancy Woinoski
Steve Shoemaker
I added a trigger to a button.  The trigger plays media (a .wav file of a click sound) when the user clicks the mouse on the object (button).  I can't seem to get the ...
almost 12 years ago
By Steve Shoemaker
Barbara Herman
I am in the process of importing many Power Point (2007) Courses into Storyline and I am noticing that the animation is not transferring over as nicely as I would like...
almost 12 years ago
By Carlito Tomas
Barbara Herman
Yes the dreaded bullet points... When I import a Power Point the standard bullet points are not coming into Storyline I attached two images one of the PP slide and one...
almost 12 years ago
By Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro
Joyce Hensen
Hi, I just recorded my first screen cast - well actually my third attempt because it took me that long to figure out why there wasn't any sound even though I had just ...
almost 12 years ago
By Joyce Hensen
John Black
Rather than one big quiz at the end, I prefer to embed quiz questions throughout the e-learning module. Is there a way to collect the result from each question and dis...
almost 12 years ago
By Steve Flowers
Michael Fimian
Hi all, Are we limitede to the number of tabs that can be displayed on the top of the menu stack?  I've been using three, but found I needed to add a fourth...  In the...
almost 12 years ago
By Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro