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5 Things You Should Know About Storyline Question Banks

NicoleLegault1's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

Question banks are one of the really useful, but seldom utilized, quizzing features in Storyline 360. The main reason to use a question bank is to randomize the order of questions in a quiz. Instructional designers do this so learners are less likely to encounter the same quiz twice, which can help avoid cheating. Another reason to use question banks: you can manage and organize related questions in one easy place.

With that in mind, here are five things you should know about working with the question bank feature in Storyline 360.

Insert Question Banks From The Slides Tab

To create and manage existing question banks, you can head on over to the Slides tab on the Storyline ribbon. There you'll see the Questions Banks button, with a small dropdown arrow. From the dropdown, you can create a new question bank or make changes to an existing question bank.

Create Questions from Inside a Bank

When you create a new question bank, Storyline 360 opens a new tab for that bank. You then have the option of creating new question slides from within the question bank, or importing existing question slides that already exist in your .STORY project.

It's important to note that if you create a new question slide from inside the question bank, the question slide won’t exist as an individual slide in your .STORY file. The question slide will only exist within the question bank. In the future if you want to make edits to the slide, you’ll first need to navigate to the question bank and open it in order to access the question slide you want to edit.

Copying vs. Moving Questions into a Bank

If you created your question slides outside of the bank, you can import existing slides into a question bank. When the Import Questions window opens, a drop-down menu at the top provides the option to either copy or move selected slides into the bank.

If you choose to copy, the slides will remain in their original location in the .STORY file, and Storyline 360 will create a duplicate copy of it in the question bank. This means if you copy, you will have two versions of the same slide. If you need to update your slide, you’ll need to do so in both places. If you don’t want duplicate slides, use the Move option to move the slide from its original location into the question bank.

Slide Draws Are Used to Display the Bank Questions

Once you’ve got a great question bank, the next step is to give learners access. This is done using a slide draw to extract question slides from a bank. To create a slide draw, head to the Slides tab on the Storyline ribbon and click the Question Banks dropdown button. From here you can click New Draw From Question Bank. This will insert a new slide into your project. You can double-click on this slide and then select your question bank, as well as the specific number of questions you want in this quiz, and the order in which you want them displayed.

Slide Draws Can Be Fixed or Random

Question banks make it really easy to randomize questions. Simply select the Draw questions randomly option in the slide draw window. You can even choose whether each individual question is “Always,” “Never,” or “Randomly” included in your slide draw.

If you want the questions to appear in a fixed order, rather than randomly, simply deselect the Draw questions randomly option.

These five important points will help you set up and manage your next randomized quiz in a jiffy. Do you have any experience using banks of questions in your own projects? If you do, we’d love to hear your experiences, so please leave a comment.

Want to try something you learned here, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial, and come back to E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning. If you have any questions, please share them in the comments.

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • JoeJones's avatar
    Community Member
    I have 3 questions banks totally 125 questions total and set up with random draws from each. However, I have noticed some questions are duplicated in the draw. How do I prevent this?
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Joe,

      If you want to avoid this happening you cannot use the same questions in multiple question banks. The way Storyline is right now, it has no way of knowing which questions were already asked/not asked in other question banks in the same project.
      • JoeJones's avatar
        Community Member
        None of the questions within in the three separate questions banks are duplicated within the banks. Each question bank covers a different topic with unique questions. This is how I have them setup up for a single exam:
        * QB1 - 60 questions ... drawing randomly 25 questions
        * QB2 - 22 questions ... drawing randomly 15 questions
        * QB3 - 43 questions ... drawing randomly 10 questions
        Joe Jones Manager, Technical Training Heatcraft Worldwide Refrigeration Phone: 770.465.5854 | Mobile: 770.595.1961 | Fax: 800.770.4450
  • I want to have 3 versions of an exam so User A might get exam 1 and User B might get exam 3. Is it possible to randomly select which question bank to draw from? How would the results slide handle this? Or is there a way to link the questions in the exam bank so that if the first question is selected from groupA then the remaining 24 also get pulled? The problem wit this scenario is the number of questions that overlap in the various exams. Thoughts?
  • I have 32 questions, and need to draw only only 30 questions from the bank. How can I do it? thanks
  • HugoRoyer's avatar
    Community Member
    Good day!

    I have a quiz that has 4 sections with 25 questions as a bank in each. Each sections will pull 5 questions from the bank to test the candidate.

    Is it possible to have printed copies of the quiz with only the selected 20 questions; and having the associated answer key printed for the selected questions only?

    Thank you.
  • ChrisHobden's avatar
    Community Member
    Hello. I have created and inserted the Question Bank/Random draw. I cannot figure out how to set a trigger to get to the next slide after the learner finishes answering the questions? Thank you. BTW you guys are the best!
  • NicolasSalz's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Team,
    I'm tying to use a non random draw from a question bank to test all the questions. Could it be that it does not work properly with the current verion? I always get the first question first, then the third, then others. Seems some kind of randomly to me.
    I unchecked the "draw question randomly" box and all question are set to randomly include in shuffle.
    Thanks in advance ;)
  • I have a module that has a pre-test and a post-test. I have one question bank of 18 questions. Five questions should be pulled for the pre-test and if they get them right, they can test out of the module. If they fail, they have to take the lessons and then take a post-test. The post-test pulls from the same question bank. Is there a way to avoid one of the same questions from appearing in the pre- and post-test? In other words, how can I tell Storyline if you selected a question in the pre-test, don not show it in the post-test? Thanks for your help!
  • I have the same question Andrea. I made 2 question banks and have 1 prereq quiz and another post-quiz. The prereq quiz is pulling a quiz from the post quiz (not what I wanted) and I cannot edit it as it is mysterious within the software. I cannot seem to fix this. Any help would be great.
  • G'day,
    I'm trying to make a game, where by a user spins a wheel and picks up one of 5 cards. Each of the cards goes to a different question bank. However, I only want to draw one question at a time. The user answers the question and then goes back to spin the wheel and draw another card and would then be served another question. In my playaround, the question bank doesn't move on to the next question. Is this possible to do? If so, what am I missing? Appreciate any advice