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Storyline Step-By-Step Slides: View, Try and Test Mode

BWoods's avatar
Former Staff
11 years ago

As you’ve used Storyline 360, you may have noticed the Record Screen option. It’s perfect for putting together a software tutorial or explainer video quickly. But once you’ve created a recording, did you know that Storyline 360 also has three ways to automatically break that content into easily digestible steps?

That’s right—Storyline 360 keeps track of all the different clicks and interactions in your recording. So if you want to transform that video into step-by-step slides, Storyline 360 can do the development work for you. You can then use the results as is or further customize the steps to fit your learners’ needs.

In this article, we’ll look at how these different step-by-step modes work and when they’re most helpful for learning.

Demonstrate a Process with View Mode

If you need to introduce learners to a new tool or process, View Mode is the way to go! With View Mode, your video is split into multiple slides that show each step. The slides automatically animate through your tutorial, like a guided tour. And with the option to add text captions automatically, you can even include on-screen explanations of each step.

Since learners are just watching the demonstration, it’s a perfect way to ease them into navigating brand new tools or techniques.

Provide Hands-On Practice with Try Mode

When you want learners to try out a process in a safe environment, select Try Mode. Storyline 360 automatically adds timed pauses, hotspots, and keyboard shortcuts to make your screen recording interactive. And for more guided help, Storyline 360 can also add small text captions on each screen to provide hints about what to do!

Since Try Mode asks learners to do the process themselves, it’s a good fit for when they already have some baseline knowledge—either from past experience or an earlier lesson—and need hands-on practice. And since Try Mode interactions aren’t graded, they’re a stress-free way to learn from mistakes.

Assess Learner Skills with Test Mode

At first glance, Test Mode looks a lot like Try Mode. But where the latter is all about practice, the former focuses on assessment.

In Test Mode, Storyline 360 converts each interactive video slide into a graded question. You can then use the Test Mode options and quiz settings to customize the experience further. For instance, you can set what feedback (if any) to show after a learner responds to the steps, how many attempts they have to get it right, and what counts as a passing score for the overall test.

Test Mode is perfect for wrapping up a course and confirming learners can do a process independently. And since the quiz score can be reported to a learning management system (LMS), it’s also a way to mark course completion.

Try Out These Modes for Yourself

Those short explanations are a great introduction, but do you know the best way to understand these different modes? By getting hands-on experience with them!

Want to see these modes in action? Check out this Storyline step-by-step example to see the same content shared in View, Try, and Test Modes. You can also watch the original screen recording they were all created from.


The screen recorder in Storyline 360 makes it easy to provide the help learners need to pick up new or improved software—whether with a video tutorial, a step-by-step breakdown, guided practice, or an interactive assessment. And since there’s no limit to how many times you can use your recording, you can even include more than one mode in your course with minimal additional effort!

Interested in discovering more tips for recording your screen with the Articulate 360 apps? Then check out these helpful articles:

Want to try something you learned here but don’t have Articulate 360? It takes no time at all to start a free 30-day trial. If you have any questions, share them in the comments below. And be sure to come back to E-Learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning.

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • JarredSmith2's avatar
    Community Member
    Can someone help,

    I am busy with simulations in storyline 360, a student can go through the simulation and can click to go to next to go through them. When you click to home button to go back home and start over it fast forward and takes you back to where you stopped. is there a way to disable that fast forward function?

    Thank you
  • PeterFlanagan's avatar
    Community Member
    IN the test mode - can I only test the key things ? - I am not concerned if they hit save or if they can type the sentence with the correct capitals? Can I just delete the slides ? Will the score update?
  • Is it possible to convert between types? So, if I do a step by step recording, can I convert it to a try it recording?
    • BWoods's avatar
      Former Staff
      Hi Marshall. While you can use your original recording to add as many different screencast modes to your course as you want, you're not currently able to task an edited screencast mode and convert it to another mode. That said, I have submitted a feature request on your behalf so our engineering team can know more about the community's interest in this functionality.