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Storyline: 360° Interactive Image Examples

Montsea's avatar
Super Hero
3 years ago

Here are four examples that show possible ways to use Articulate Storyline 360’s new 360° image feature. Examples feature custom progress bars with variables, random number variables to display quotes, forced navigation, and quizzing. 

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Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thank you. I have seen illustrations used for 360 degree interactions. Presumably you replace an illustrator image for the photo. What size adn format must this illustration be? thanks
  • Thank you. I have seen illustrations used for 360 degree interactions. Presumably you replace an illustrator image for the photo. What size adn format must this illustration be? thanks
  • Wow, thank you very much!! This is really impressive and very helpful to me! It took a while till I understood that the menue ribbon is part of the layout (...) and how you used triggers to change it. This Example is really motivating, thank you so much!!