Blog Post


Storyline: Customizable Characters With Disabilities

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
2 years ago

The images you use in your e-learning projects can help others connect with your content. People with disabilities—whether visible or invisible—make up about 20% of the population, which is one reason to include more representative images in your online training. 

This collection of characters with disabilities was made using shapes in Storyline 360 and icons from Content Library 360. It includes medical devices—such as a walking stick, two wheelchairs, a walking boot, a prosthesis, a probing cane, and underarm and forearm crutches—plus a guide dog. Download this file to change the colors and edit the characters and devices to make your projects more inclusive. 

If you want more character options, then head on over and download this customizable avatar set and edit them to fit your needs. 

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • DanEpstein's avatar
    Community Member
    Are there any plans to create similar photorealistic characters?
    • PeteBrown-651d6's avatar
      Community Member
      If you're prepared to pay the annual subscription, eLearning Brothers has a reasonable range of photographic cut-out people with disabilities, e.g., in wheelchairs, on crutches, in hospital gowns, amputations, genetic conditions...
      • DanEpstein's avatar
        Community Member
        Yeah, I already do have that subscription. I was just wondering if Articulate would follow suit.
  • Thank you so much for these. I have been looking for something exactly like this for years! The wheelchair user that Storyline includes is good, but there are so many other ways to represent.