Engage Pauses - Can the default of 5 seconds be changed?

Sep 14, 2011

My design team is currently working on creating some Engage interactions.  We are currently building a Labeled Graphic interaction...but some of the labels are very short and take less then 5 seconds to view.  However, the interaction will not let the user proceed unless they wait the full 5 seconds before they move onto the next label and so on...until all labels are viewed at 5 seconds or more...it will not allow the user to advance in the course.

Is there anyway to change the default timing on the Engage interactions?  We require our users to view everything in their courses and the only work around is to set the access to Free...but this also allows the users to skip over content, which we cannot allow.  Are there any other options out there?

2 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Susan & welcome to Heroes,

As you know, the default duration for a step in an interaction is 5 seconds. Currently, it cannot be reduced beyond that from within the software. If you would like to see this feature in a future release, please submit a feature request to us: 


You may be able to reduce the duration of a step by modifying your published output. Please note that the steps below are not supported by Articulate: 

1. Publish your presentation > Click Open Folder 

2. Open the Data folder 

3. Open the SWF folder 

4. Open the Engage folder for that particular interaction 

5. Open the engage_content folder 

6. Open the data.xml file in a program like Notepad 

7. In the first line, you'll see this: 


Change the number from 5 to 1. 

8. Save the file & test your presentation. 

You can learn more here: 


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