Forum question, it it better to post a "question" or "discussion"

Dec 11, 2013

Many of my posts over the last couple weeks have gone unanswered... to those of you who've responded to some, I appreciate it.  I just noticed a few mins ago that I can choose between posting a "question" or "discussion"... maybe that's why I haven't gotten many responses as I'm posting them all as questions?  I think maybe a "discussion" would be better?  I'm looking for guidance here.



3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Honestly, it's up to you. I've seen it go both ways, and it's not something we "regulate" but, the only difference is on a discussion question Staff can't "verify" a correct answer which allows it to appear at the top. The same with other users "suggest as answer" - those features are not a part of a discussion quesiton. 

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