3 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hey Princess!

Sorry that's happening, thanks for sharing those screenshots.

Would you mind sharing the unpublished Engage .intr file you're seeing this happen with? You can share it right in a comment using the Add Attachment feature here:

I have a couple more questions to help narrow this down too:

  1. Is this part of a Presenter course or are you publishing the standalone Engage interaction when you're seeing this happen?
  2. Are you running the latest update for Studio 13, update 9?

Let me know! 🙂

Ali Goulet

Hey Princess!

Thanks so much for sharing your file with me. I'm seeing the same happening, and this is on our radar for Studio 13. Here's a look into how we tackle bugs.  

The issue is limited to the HTML5 output for labeled graphics. If you uncheck the "include HTML5 output" option when publishing, you won't run into this.

I've added your experience to our report, and we'll keep you posted with any updates regarding this bug! 

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