slide timing WILL NOT bend to my will

Jan 30, 2014

We're using Articulate Presenter 09 (and probably not the most up to date version of 09). Updating the version is NOT a reasonable option under my time constraints. We're going to move to Storyline this year. We're not going to upgrade to Studio 13. (Just to set some context.)

My presentation has 4 Engage interactions - 2 circles, 3 tabs. Prsentation options is set to the default - 5 seconds. I use a silent MP3 on title pages (to save 4 seconds).

On Publish, I noticed several issues:

  • Which slides were 1 second and/or a level 2 was off by 1 (if I set slide 2 as 1 second, slide 3 was one second; if I set slide 3 as a llevel 2 slide, slide 4 was the level 2 slide).
  • The timing slider on the slides with Engage interactions was jumping back and forth based on which segment was clicked
  • Slide timing stopped - and never advanced again - at, let's say, 5 seconds before the actual end time for the slide; as a result, the advance button (right arrow) at the bottom of the player never becomes available and so I can't advance past that point in the course

I did notice that the ppt was set to beging numbering at zero (argh...). on correcting that, I see levels looking as expected.

What I'm not able to fix is the full stops on the slides with Engage interactions or the slides that, oddly now are 11 seconds or some other out of left field number. In other words, the default has no influence on the slides and the the silent 1 second MP3 is sometimes working on a slide, sometimes.

I've tried to Sync Animation on that 11 second slide (it's a slide w/o animation) and it's having no impact at all.

So, (1) how do I force timing to be what I want it to be per slide?

And, (2) how do I force a slide containing an Engage interaction to keep playing to conclusion?



4 Replies
Kelly Kremin

Took an inventory of sorts and found that 3 slides were firmly stuck at 11 seconds in length regardless of anything I attempted. So, I deleted the slides and started from scratch. (Disturbs me that the only way to get out of this was by killing slides; clearly there are software issues at play.)

It looks like my real problem is that I need Engage functionality that does not exist in my version of 09.

I want my trainees to be able to click any segment or tab in any order on every interaction. Engage offers me a very limited segment order (for circle diagram): start inside or outside, travel clockwise or counter clockwise.

Am I correct about the limitation?

This is going to force me to (1) number segments - which makes the interaction look like a procedure or (2) ditch the circle interaction completely because it just does not rise to the level of acceptable.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Kelly!

Without seeing your presentation, I'm not sure of all the settings that you have. I'm going to include a couple of articles that I think may help you.

Controlling Navigation and Playback of your Interaction

Not sure if this troubleshooting related to Circle Diagrams applies to you, but thought I would share as well.

Kelly Kremin

The problem is limited functionality, at least with regard to my needs.

Specifically, the very, very limited available Segment Order. I can choose Inside or Outside and I can choose Clockwise or Counterclockwise. No need to see my presentation to confirm that, unfortunately. Open your own copy of Engage, select Presentation Options and there you are: Segment Order is limited to the  following options. 

The trouble is that working within those limitations - as nice as the inteaction looks; and, it looks great - introduces a new navigation model. It's so messy to say to busy professionals who have just this much attention span for training that you gotta know the "special" path in order to get through training successfully.

Maybe the links you inserted will help someone who stumbles across this and has an issue different than mine.

Thank you; have a great day.

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