'13 Error Report

Jun 09, 2014

I've been trying to publish content, and keep getting an error report.  I published twice, and I had no audio, rechecked the Import Audio, and the audio was there.  The 3rd time I tried publishing, I got this error, and now I've gotten it ever since.  I've closed out of Articulate and PowerPoint.  I've even shut down my PC.  Nothing has worked.  I first tried publishing to Web, and then I thought maybe that was the issue so I tried to LMS.

The ONLY thing I can think of is the 1st time I tried publishing, I unchecked the HTML5 and iPad whatever check boxes in the Publshing screen because our SME said they were not necessary.  When I had no audio I rechecked them.  Since then, they are not defaulting to being checked, and now I am getting error reports.

8 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Heidi!

When creating, editing, and publishing Articulate Presenter '13 courses, be sure you're working on your local hard drive (typically your C: drive). Working on a network drive or a USB drive can cause erratic behavior, such as file corruption, an inability to save changes, and loss of resources. 

If Articulate Studio '13 isn't working properly, a simple repair may fix the problem.
If you need to share your Articulate Package for me to have a look, please do so.

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