Adobe Player has stopped a potential unsafe error

Sep 09, 2011


My computer is running XP and when I initial ran the module with internet links I got the "Adobe Flash Player Security" error.  As per the instructions on your site I set the "Global Security Settings" to "Always Allow" and now everthing is OK.  When I passed this module to other computers that are running Windows 7 they got the same initial error.  However, when you hit the 'settings button" it shows a different screen. See attachment.  I selected the first radial button to "allow" and the module ran.  BUT, even with a reboot of everything I still get the same error and have to repeat the steps to get the module going.  Am I making the correct setting selection?  Ideas? Thanks

14 Replies
Mike Troutman

Hi Steve, can you clarify. When I publish I do so into the CD format so I only have a player and two folders. However, I use it on my desktop as opposed to a CD. That is when I get the error.  So Are you saying publish it directly to a CD?  Publising to CD is not really an option. I need to be able to publish-> ZIP> and have for downlaod to a larger audience.  Thoughts

Justin Wilcox

The content needs to be viewed via an http address like

So if you are seeing this error, you are essentially viewing the content offline, even it it is on a web server. A presentation that is published and uploaded properly to an LMS would never experience this error.

Steve Flowers

If you're accessing the content via a folder share, you'll see the error. For example, if you're accessing from Z:\ or File:\some_folder you'll get a security error when running Flash content that interacts with the browser page. It's a Flash Player "feature". If you're using links that start with http, you won't have this problem.

Luckily, this is relatively easy to fix. When running content from a folder share, either launch the content from Launch_presentation.exe or use the Flash Security Manager to add an exception. This is something the user can do:

1) Hit this link:

2) Click Edit Locations > Add Location

3) Click Browse for Folder

4) Select the folder you want to clear for Flash <> browser interaction

5) Rinse, repeat for other folders you want to add

It's common for developers to clear a folder in the security settings manager. The Launch_presentation.exe launcher isolates your content and bypasses the security setting error alerts. Once you do this for a folder location, it's permanent unless the user's profile is blown out or they change machines without a roving profile.

Peter Anderson

Tana Lyman said:

"As per the instructions on your site I set the "Global Security Settings" to "Always Allow" and now everthing is OK."  Can someone link me to this information?  I'm not sure what to set where, and we periodically experience this issue.

Hi Tana, 

The options for that setting can be found at the top of this link. 

Let us know if that helps...

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