Annotations Problem

Feb 15, 2012

I am trying to add annotations to a slide, but when I press "start annotations" it automatically switches to "stop annotations" in about 2 seconds by itself - I can 't possibly add the 6 or 7 annotations I need that fast.  I've tried to see if there is a way to re-set the timing, but can't find anything - can anyone help?

thank you,


8 Replies
Shawnda Griffith

Hi Laura,

Do you have audio loaded to the slide?  if not, there is a default timing for a slide to display built in for like 2-3 seconds which you can change by doing the following:

  1. From the Articulate ribbon, select Presentation Options.
  2. Select the Publish tab.
  3. The first item listed under Publish Options is what you need to change by increasing the number of seconds.

Changing the setting may resolve your issue.

Hope this helps!

Peter Anderson

Hi Laura,

I'd recommend sending us your files so our support engineers can take a closer look. If you'd like to do that, please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here: 


Send to Articulate Presenter Package – Articulate Presenter ’09 Help


Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form: 


Articulate Support - Upload Your Files for Review 


Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09, which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so I can follow up with you personally in the forums. And feel free to come back and leave your case number here so I can keep a close eye on it. Thanks!

Karen Kennedy

I am also interested in the resolution to Laura's annotation/time-out problem as listed above. I have the same problem. I don't really have any file to send. I'm a brand-new user and was trying out the program. I tried changing the number of sections per the earlier instruction, but that did not work for me either.

Peter Anderson

Hi Karen, welcome to Heroes!

You can record annotations if a slide does not contain any audio. Here are some ways to do this:
1. Click on the Articulate menu 
2. Click on Presentation Options 
3. Select the Publish tab 
4. For the section that says "slides without audio or animation", adjust the time as needed. 
5. Click OK.

As an alternative, you can record your annotations by using this method.

1. Click on the Articulate menu 
2. Click Sync Animations 
3. In the middle and top of the window, you will have the same annotation buttons. Just click Start Sync and record the annotations as your normally would.

You can also insert a silent audio file into your presentation to record annotations.

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