Articulate Package Question

Sep 03, 2015

Regarding the article, Tips for Managing Project Files (, beyond the creation of the .txt file containing metadata about the project and the .zip file containing the .ppta, .intr, and .quiz files, is there any difference between using the Articulate Package option and manually archiving the .ppta, intr, and .quiz files?

Trying to determine whether the Articulate Package option is to scaffold people who may not be used to backing up source files and sharing with other developers vs. if there is an additional advantage beyond the differences mentioned above.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Chris!

It's a handy tool. The following is from our documentation. You can use it to:

Create a backup in Presenter, called an Articulate Package. The output is a zipped file which contains all the files you need to open, edit, and publish your project — including any quizzes, surveys, or Engage interactions you've inserted in your presentation.

It may also be beneficial to understand how things are stored as explained here.

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