Audio cutting off in Presenter '09

Jun 01, 2015

I have a screen where the audio should be 49 seconds long, but it cuts off at 25 seconds. When the screen first opens, 49 briefly appears in the play bar at the bottom but then quickly changes to 25. Also, when I edit the audio, the full clip is there for that screen.

I've deleted the screen and re-built it....same thing.

Also, there is an Engage interaction (FAQs) on the screen but no audio in it. I want the audio to play while the learner is in the interaction so putting the audio in the interaction is not an option.

Ideas? I just noticed that this was happening and the deadline is TODAY, as in this morning, so I'd really appreciate any ideas!!  Thanks.

4 Replies
Carrie Eaton

If I just let the audio play, the entire 49 seconds plays, but if I click in the seek bar near the end, then it cuts short. As I said above, the screen briefly displays 49 seconds as the length and then displays 25 seconds.

I've re-built a very small portion of the engage interaction in a brand new one-screen file. Attached is a screen cap while the audio was playing. Shows 49 seconds on top, 10 seconds at the bottom and will play the entire 49 seconds if I don't touch the seek bar. Also, the marker is not moving across the bottom while the audio is playing.

I'm running out of ideas...anyone else have some?

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