Audio (narration) Editing Issue

May 15, 2015

I am having recurring issues in Studio 13 where after editing narration on several slides audio editor freezes and will not save changes. Often I not only loose the edits completed, I can also loose the narration audio in the remaining slides. I have tried reducing the number of slides in case it is a memory issue (I am using a purpose built i7 laptop with 8Gb RAM) but there seems to be no way of knowing if 1. it is a memory issue and two when the threshold is crossed. 

Anyone had a similar issue or any suggestions? This problem is making my short courses very long. 

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Philip, 

First, I wanted to let you know that replying via email includes your signature here, so you're welcome to edit the post and remove that information.

Did you already go through the repair as Leslie mentioned? If it's occurring consistently while editing, and you've already confirmed to be working locally - the repair would be the next step, and you can follow all the steps outlined here. 

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