can't add annotations

Jul 17, 2012


I can't add annotations to my presentation;

when I left-click the mouse to "leave" the annotation, nothing happens (actually sometime I saw my annotation on the top left of the screen...);

in addition, when the annotation I try to insert is the "spotlight", I got the message about some uncompatibilities with my Flash Player;

can anybody help?

kind regards


1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Hi Alberto, welcome to Heroes!

Can you please confirm you're running a current version of Flash? To view content created with Articulate Studio '09, you must install Adobe Flash Player 6.0.79 or later:

If you will be incorporating FLV or MP4 movies into your content, you will need to have the following version of Adobe Flash Player installed:
*  FLV is supported in Adobe Flash Player 7 and later.
*  MP4 is supported in Adobe Flash Player 9 Update 3 and later.
It may also be helpful to run through the troubleshooting steps in this article. Let us know if you're still having trouble with the annotations. Thanks!

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