Captivate hot spots not working - tips?

Feb 23, 2011

I can't seem to get my Captivate hotspots to work within Presenter. I've used hot spots before on older versions of Captivate/Articulate and they worked fine so I am not sure what is different now, or if I am forgetting something. I am using the hotspots within a Captivate movie to simulate user clicks within a software interface. When I view the interactions in Captivate they work as expected. As soon as I bring the Flash file into Presenter, the hotspot highlights appear, but the actual hotspot does not work and the cursor does not change on mouseover/slide does not pause. The slides just keep moving through without any pauses for the required mouse clicks.

I read in one of the old forums that you need to have all slides set to advance by user when adding a video with hotspot navigation. I tried this and my Flash file still advanced on its own. 

In the Insert Flash Movie Settings, I have experimented with both advance when movie finished and advance when user clicks as well as synchronoze and play independently, but neither setting makes a difference.

Thanks for your help. -Lynda

7 Replies
Justin Wilcox

Hi Lynda,

I would suggest you submit a case by following the steps below.

Please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here:

Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form:

Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09 which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so we can follow up with you in the forums.

Can you let me know the case number when you receive your confirmation email and I will make sure we take care of you.

Brian Batt

Hi Mary Ann Nazzarro,

The Mac users should be able to view the content just fine.  However, I believe that Captivate 5 files publish to at least Flash Player 9.  So, if the Mac users don't have the latest version of Flash Player installed, I'd recommend that they install it, restart their machine, and then try the content again.

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