flash buttons behaviour issue

May 15, 2011


I am trying to do  flash rollover  buttons with hyperlinks to specific slides in Presenter, as it is shown in this video: https://player.vimeo.com/video/204929857.

Unfortunately It doesn't work for me.:(

I am using Flash CS5 - Action Script 2 - Flash player 10

When I preview the slides. The rollovers work but the action script doesn't (I can't click to other slides).

What can I do? I tried everything...I think.

Are there other ways than flash rollovers?



3 Replies
David Anderson

Hi Francoise - yeah, the Preview isn't the most reliable way to test links. I'm glad to hear you got it working with Sayuj's recommendation.

I'm adding  the link from our Knowledge Base article on previewing hyperlinks for anyone else having similar issues.

Preview – Testing hyperlinks in Preview is not supported. To test a hyperlink you should publish your content and upload your content to the environment you published for. If you aren’t ready to upload your content, test your content by publishing for CD and view by double clicking the Launch_Presentation.exe file in the published output.


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