How do I remove the published title so it doesn't appear in the player?

Apr 13, 2015

I am publishing some courses in Presenter '09, and need to remove the published title from appearing in the player:

I've tried different settings, but the title or some form of it still appears. I know in other Articulate products this title can be removed from the player.

Is it possible to remove the title from the player in Presenter '09?

Grateful for any direction on this, your help is most appreciated. Thank you!

6 Replies
Kristine Wiscarson

Hi Ashley

Some of the threads regarding this topic that I came across indicated that I could find after market modifiers for Presenter '09 that I can upload to have the title completely removed when I publish. Seems handy, but unfortunately that's not an option for me.

Otherwise, sounds as if removing the title entirely isn't available.  Was your suggestion based on how I name the file and therefore that's how it would be removed - sort of a "lack of name"?  Publishing doesn't allow a blank line so I might need more guidance on how that might work.

Thank you so much!!

Shyam Saha

Hi Kristine,

Articulate doesn't allow you to do this. But with a work around, it's possible. This is quite simple to handle.

Steps to do:

  1. Open the published folder
  2. Open the data folder
  3. Open presentation.xml in a noteoad
  4. Look for the word Title. It will look similar to the below


  • Delete the name like this,


  • Save the file and play the file.

You are good to go. :) Trust it helps.

Note: This is not supported by Articulate. 

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