Not have course launch immediately

Jul 30, 2014

I've scoured the tutorials, but haven't found information on controlling whether a web-accessed course launches immediately or must be initiated by the learner. The way I've been publishing my course, it starts as soon as you access the URL.

6 Replies

The audio and animations on the very first slide begin immediately. The user does have to click to advance to the second slide. I would like for the user to have to initiate beginning the course on the first slide. I created a package, but keep getting an error message when I try to upload the zip file.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kristina,

The file may be too large to upload here (it's around a 20 mb) limit. I don't believe there is a way to stop the audio and animations on the first slide from beginning right when the course is open, but what about adding a slide before that which is essentially a title slide or directions the user to click next to start the course?

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