Quizmaker Q: Notification that reads "complete quiz"? wwhat?

Jul 18, 2013

...on a few of the quizmaker slides that reads "Notification: You must complete the quiz in order to continue," and yet you haven't clicked anything to indicate that you are not completing hte quiz?

How can i get this message to go away upon creation of the course and why is this happening? I need help...this needs to get done and the people viewing it think there's an error...


1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Krista! I'm not sure how you have your properties set up, but it sounds as if your slides may be advancing automatically instead of 'by user'. If that's not it, you can also check the quiz properties and set the 'allow user to leave quiz' to anytime. I think that this may be what you are looking for.  Hope that helps and have a great day!

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