Randomizing Scenarios

Jun 13, 2011

Hello Everyone,

My client has 9 scenarios. Each scenario is a situation with 2-4 questions. Very basic -- no real branching.

They want to randomize scenario training, where each user will see 3 scenarios plucked from the group. We are developing this package for 2 different LMSs, and 1 website.

At this time, the scenarios are separate Articulate presentations with QuizMaker for the questions. We are developing a shell that will pick the scenarios randomly.

I was thinking, though -- is there a way to build one Articulate file with 9 different quiz questions, each question being 1 scenario? Or, maybe even 9 different Engage interactions?

I am playing around with this now, but wanted to check with the group to see if this is actually more trouble than it's worth.

Thank you!

4 Replies
Allyson Benavides

Thank you, Justin! 

So for each scenario, I would add a blank slide at the start (to set up the scene), and then ask the questions. Each scenario would be a group.

Is there a way to randomize the groups, rather than the questions within the groups? I want the quiz to begin, and then choose 3 groups out of the nine I would have.

I hope that's clear! Thank you, again, for your time!

Justin Wilcox

Unfortunately you can't randomize the groups but that might be a small sacrifice. If you wanted to do multiple quizzes and track them all in one presentation, you could try the suggestion here:


Using Presenter would allow you to have the user take the different quizzes and track them all separately.

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