Slide Properties- level options

Feb 16, 2012

I am having a strange problem with one of my presentations and I have no idea what to do about it so hopefully someone here can help me.

When I open the slide properties window the level column is simply not there! I don't know how it dissapeared but I REALLY need it back as soon as possible!

As it is now my final presentation only shows the first and last slide on the navigation panel and that is just not good! I need it to show all the slides grouped by levels again!

Hope somebody can help me with this.

Thanks in advance

6 Replies
Alba Pérez

Ok I actually figured that I could not see the level column because it is only available when 'Group by' is set to 'slide number' However I have now edited all the levels and still when I publish my presentation the outline tab only shows the first an last slide! How do I make it show all the slides!!!!

Please help

Peter Anderson

Hi Alba, welcome to Heroes!

Are you using any hidden slides, by chance? Typically, this issue occurs when the following conditions are met:

From the Slide Properties manager, a slide that is hidden has a hierarchy level higher than the visible slide directly below. 

As a workaround, set the level for the hidden slide(s) to the same level as the first visible slide that is immediately under the hidden slide.

If you're not using any hidden slides and you're still experiencing the issue, please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here: 


Send to Articulate Presenter Package – Articulate Presenter ’09 Help


Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form: 


Articulate Support - Upload Your Files for Review 


Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09, which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so I can follow up with you personally in the forums. And feel free to come back and leave your case number here so I can keep a close eye on it. Thanks! 

Alba Pérez

Peter Anderson said:

Hi Alba, welcome to Heroes!

Are you using any hidden slides, by chance? Typically, this issue occurs when the following conditions are met:

From the Slide Properties manager, a slide that is hidden has a hierarchy level higher than the visible slide directly below. 

As a workaround, set the level for the hidden slide(s) to the same level as the first visible slide that is immediately under the hidden slide.

If you're not using any hidden slides and you're still experiencing the issue, please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here: 


Send to Articulate Presenter Package – Articulate Presenter ’09 Help


Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form: 


Articulate Support - Upload Your Files for Review 


Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09, which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so I can follow up with you personally in the forums. And feel free to come back and leave your case number here so I can keep a close eye on it. Thanks! 

I am actually using hiden slides yes, I will try what you suggest right away!

Alba Pérez

Alba Pérez said:

Peter Anderson said:

Hi Alba, welcome to Heroes!

Are you using any hidden slides, by chance? Typically, this issue occurs when the following conditions are met:

From the Slide Properties manager, a slide that is hidden has a hierarchy level higher than the visible slide directly below. 

As a workaround, set the level for the hidden slide(s) to the same level as the first visible slide that is immediately under the hidden slide.

If you're not using any hidden slides and you're still experiencing the issue, please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here: 


Send to Articulate Presenter Package – Articulate Presenter ’09 Help


Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form: 


Articulate Support - Upload Your Files for Review 


Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09, which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so I can follow up with you personally in the forums. And feel free to come back and leave your case number here so I can keep a close eye on it. Thanks! 

I am actually using hiden slides yes, I will try what you suggest right away!

I have now tried this and it works! Thank you very much

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